This new generation of gamers doesn't even know how to troll properly...
We older gamers have left behind a fine legacy of trolls for them to follow and expand upon.
But examples like the OP make me think that everything, even trolling, is ruined at this new generations' touch...
It's sad really. The potential was there in the subject, but certain basic elements of a good troll were ignored that would have just made this shine.
*looks around* It [i]seemed[/i] to work, my good friend. You obviously haven't seen my other trolls. This one was a lazy troll I wrote while taking a dump at my cottage. And my "generation"? I don't know how old you think you are, but knock it off with your false sense of superiority.
Now you see what a good troll looks like. :)
Wai- what? Oh? Ah. [i]Haha. [/i] You got me. Lol