Is it just me or have we been seeing a influx of weird topics lately? From Cat-ears to Sex Changes to Gay marriage. Can't we go back to gun customization, Creating our own back stories, and speculating on the 5th race?
You know that noise dogs make that's a combination of a bark and a bite when they're playing hard with one another? Same thing, only the bored and the restless have spilled over from #OffTopic and there's no rule against trolling in the #Destiny Forum, so it just bugs the other folks. It's unfortunate, but I won't yell at anyone at Bungie for it.
Too many trolls. Not enough mods.
Your seem to be new here, so I'll tell you about some of the dynamics of this forum. The Off Topic Forum is filled with a special breed of people. They enjoy trolling. The Destiny Forum is filled with... well, Newbs. Their's not anything wrong with being a Newb who's curious about Destiny, but the naivety (Concerning the forums here) is just to tempting a target for the more jaded trolls in the Off Topics Forum. This community went through a period called "The Darkness", which is in between games where we have no info, and the community numbers start to drop. These trolls have been dealing with the same people for some time now. So it makes sense to them that you newer guys should be trolled. tl;dr You guys are fresh meat for a group of jaded trolls who have been trying to troll the same people for the last two to three years straight.
Welcome to what The Flood used to be.
Well, the OffTopic forum tends to make fun of the Destiny forum a lot... Because they seem to think its full of intolerant, 8-year-old children who jerk off to Bungie's newest instalment, and anyone who doesn't share their views should "gtfo". Literally, everyone hates the Destiny forum.
"Troll threads stagard line, they outnumber us 3 to 1"
What happened today?
Lack of game info makes the masses go mad!
I remove topics that I have no interest in, no idea what you're talking about. My experience is great.
I think I'm just going to wait out this trend. It shall die off soon enough. It's a real shame the Ninjas' power has been severely limited.
Not enough video of the game.
It was funny at first, but now it's just people trying too hard.
Your knew to the forums, and it shows.