I'm not trying to hate on Nintendo, I love Nintendo, but this is bad.
At the end of the article, I mentions how dominantly strong the handheld market is in Japan. It also mentions that it could drastically be affecting full-on Console sales in the country, both currently as well as in the future.
Do you think that the massive strength of the 3DS/Vita combo will harm the sales numbers of the launch of the PS 4 as it has the Wii U?
This news is alarming, but is possibly pointing towards a definite shift in consumer desires in one of the largest video game markets in the world. What do you guys think?
The Wii U is a pretty cool system, and once the big games like Smash Bros. and Zelda come out, it's going to be great. Unfortunately, Nintendo failed big time with the marketing. It's actually astonishing how they could mess it up that badly. I don't see sales getting that much better, even when the heavy hitter games come out.