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Edited by An Eye Uh Later: 8/4/2013 11:18:00 PM

Halo 4, and a tale of understood, yet unfortunate cruelty.

Hey guys, I just wanted to share with you a sad, but rather comical story, and I hope that many of you both see the point I attempt to make, and learn from it. Me and my roommate share an Xbox console, he likes to fiddle around with game modifications, one day, he took it a little too far, and decided to mod Halo 4. He decided to, "start small," and edit his service tag. I suppose he wasn't too familiar with Halo Reach's banhammer, and unbeknownst to him, after changing his playercard service tag to non-alphanumeric values ($WAG), both me and him cannot play Halo 4 matchmaking on this console anymore, however my profile is still capable of playing. [b] Moral of the story: Don't modify your profile.[/b] Despite the fact that he (and through him, I suppose I) deserved it, and 343I has a right to do whatever they wish with their game, this seems (slightly) excessive. A permanent console ban, for a service tag. The only thing that I see wrong with this is that their system seems to base it's banning philosophy on, "it is not the result, but the means by which you achieve it." By this I mean that if given the knowledge, [i]my roommate could've manipulated Halo 4 servers, unlocked everything, stole information[/i], [b]yet it would've had the same result. [/b] Because nonetheless, he was modifying his profile. A sad, comical story, yet well deserved, and I hope that if any of you are involved in any sort of modification, I pray that you do stop, and not screw both you and your friends over. Have a wonderful day, lads! (I'll be buying a new console soon...)
#Gaming #myLife

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