I was on the PS4 website when I came across this nice video of the PS4 Eye demonstrating the Playroom, i thought it looked really good. I wanted to see how it compares to the Kinect, so i went on to the website for Xbox one. I couldn't find much on the Kinect, i thought that was odd, seeing as they're making a big deal about Kinect.
Can someone link me to a video that shows how the Kinect plays a game?
What's your opinion on the Kinect and PS4 Eye? I like the way the Eye isn't included, keeping costs down, so i can save up for it once I've heard good things about it.
Well, whatever the PS4 eye can do the Kinect can do better...
Not gameplay, but this is a review of what Kinect 2.0 can do.
They are both kind of the same, kinect just doesn't make you use a controller while the ps eye does. I'll probably get the eye to go with my PS4 to make it look cooler and use some games, but both pretty much the same.
They are intentionally easing into Kinect 2.0. People hated them when they talked about it. 2.0 allows you to sit down and use it, so no standing and flailing.
Frankly I'm a sit down and play gamer, but I do like how Kinect and Eye don't limit their functions to just motion control. I don't know it I'll be getting the Eye for the PS4. I'm tempted.
I honestly was one of the few who liked the first Kinect, and I am super pumped for the next one. Kinect 2 is a pretty cool piece of tech, and even though the PS Eye is pretty cool, Kinect 2 is superior. Also we have the advantage in games with support because there is a Kinect 2 in every Xbox One.
Meh I don't like them. Haven't been a good number of games that used it good or was more preferable to controllers. Heavy Rain I think is an exception from what I heard.
Hate them both, Sony should've not made one at all its a dying business.