So we see this concept in sci-fi some times, and here about it now and then in some news articles, the idea being that we may eventually escape the decay of our bodies by either transferring our minds to machines, or maintaining them indefinitely with machines.
Were this technology to arise in our lifetimes, how do you think religion would handle it? I would argue that one of the most appealing thing about religion to most people is it's ability to address the fears and anxiety people have about death. Were technology to ever completely supplant/make irrelevant this function of religion, would religion as a whole reject the technology, or embrace it as the realization of their desires? Does the answer change with the religion?
its stated in the bible that we will one day gain immortality or everlasting life so why is it so impossible to see a possible connection there ,and science and religion have coordinated each other for years for example the rib was taken from adam to create eve and which bone in the whole body has the most DNA according to science THE RIB. another example "the great beast roamed the earth" and is there no possibility that they could be dinosaurs.