[url=http://www.polygon.com/2013/7/30/4570592/super-smash-bros-fan-petition-begins-to-make-reggie-fils-aime-a]Source (Polygon)[/url]
His body is ready.
Edited by darthrevan96: 7/31/2013 12:23:16 AMI've been wanting this! Have him wearing [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/336/578/226.png]this[/url] as an alternate costume. He should turn into Reggiegigas in his Final Smash in which he summons the 3 other Reggiemons to attack enemies. Some of his moves would consist of Getting on a Wii Fit, turning into a Purple Pikmin, turning into a zombie. and saying "Play the Games" while clapping his hands causing damage and stunning nearby enemies.
[i] [/i]
"but if he wants, my body is ready" that was so boss
Wii Fit Trainer more op
What would be his final smash?
OP i found the perfect picture
You know what, it isn't a bad idea. And they more then likely need characters since Nintendo makes a new character once in a blue moon.
His inclusion makes more sense than the body stand-in from Wii fit.