It was even worse than the 15 minute Halo Anniversary credits
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"Why are the AC3 Credits 20 Minutes Long" The same reason why EVERY AC game's credits are 20 minutes.
Spartan Ops had the best credits
People actually watch the credits?
Whats the difference? Fable 1's credits were at least 30 minutes long if you wanted to get that ultimate sword. Who cares?
Mass Effect 1, 2, Dishonoured, ODST and Halo 4 have the most awesome credits ever. Dat music. But AC3? I would certainly not want my name on that game after the rather abominable ending...
Fable 1 credits trumps all.
Because games now days take lots of people to make. Thus long credits
GTA V's was -blam!-ing ridonkilous.
GTA V's are 35 minutes long.
I think it's because with a lot of Ubisoft games, they go on to essentially list the entire working staff of every nation's division of the broader international company.
Why does MGS4 have 5 hours worth of cutscenes? Though witht hat said, at least MGS4 is actually an enjoyable game.
Because screw you and everyone else
Because they outsource everything.
Because so many people worked on it obviously.
Why did you sit through the credits?
I think i skipped GTA V's after like 10 minutes.
Why did you sit through the credits? They should be skipable.
Because a lot of people helped make the game. That's why.
Metal Gear Rising revengeance. Damn those unskippable credits.
yeah they are pretty long and all you get at the end is Connor pulling a hatchet out of a tree ... woo hoo the game overall was disappointing, credits made it even more annoying.
Fable 1 credits are the worst. Just to throw in my opinion because it makes people angry, ACIII was my favorite and most anticipated AC ever.
Ghost Recon Future Solder's was 30 minutes long. It's a long time for nothing to do after.
Because bloated AAA development.
It takes about 200 people to develop a good game and the developers want all of the people who helped develop it get credited...
It's simply a troll. If you watch through them you get an achievement called "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait" and you get (I think) three extra missions as well as collectible cheats.