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originally posted in: Why no Destiny for the Wii U
7/28/2013 4:38:27 AM
Destiny 1 will be released in 2014, 2 in 2016, 3 in 2018, and the fourth and final installation in 2020. If they're expansion packs and not stand alone sequels then that is where the problem arises. Destiny 1 will perform identically across its platforms with the exception of better graphics on next gen. It is my firm belief that Destiny 1 as a cross generation release is meant to hook players from current gen into their new IP. Later they hope these players will adopt the next generation and move to the next generation Destiny titles (likely with the ability to carry over your character). From Destiny 2 or 3 on they're probably going to be next gen exclusives (5 years from now only indie developers will continue to develop for current gen). This is where Nintendo is in a conundrum. The Wii isn't strong enough to run Destiny so it can't be used as an early adoption console. The Wii-U is strong enough to run the less resource intensive current gen version, but it will be unable to run the more intensive next gen version. If Bungie follows the strategy that I'm fairly certain they're going to, then it leaves Nintendo without a dog in this race. Also this is all based off hardware specs. I'm not going into online play which seems to be a distant 3rd to the other two consoles. I'm sure the Wii-U is cool and has some cool features. It is unfortunate that no one but Nintendo really wants to develop games for that console. Your really cant blame them when developers of shooters, as an example, can sell 1000% more copies on Sony and Microsoft platforms. If Wii U sells 1 million copies at $60 vs 20 million copies total on PS4 and One (which are almost so identical they'll require virtually no major development for either specific console as compared to what would be necessary to develop cross platform with the Wii U) then the numbers speak for themselves. The way Nintendo is developing their consoles would be kind of like developing true virtual reality peripherals, but they're only able to display SD ps2 quality graphics. There would undoubtably be a market for it, but a majority of the market wouldn't adopt the technology due to its extreme outdated graphics. At the end of the day a majority of people want the products that are competitively specc'd. Nintendos trade of gimmicky/innovative (read as pros and cons) peripherals for raw system specs is only going to continue to erode its marketshare of triple A titles. I bet before this generation is over most developers won't even make physical copies of games for Nintendo because the profit margin would be slim to none otherwise.

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