[url=http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/27/world/europe/spain-train-crash/index.html?hpt=hp_t2]About 80 died[/url]
This is scary. If I go on a train I want it to be a slow one.
I just hope that this doesnt grow into anything more than it is, people died which sucks no matter where they are from.
[quote] Also among them is one U.S. citizen[/quote] Looks like we're going to invade Spain now because of this. Just like how we declared war on Germany because a few Americans died on that ship.
[i] [/i]
No such charge as a Homicide. It's either manslaughter or murder.
The pain in Spain comes from the train.
LOL what's the point of having a slow vehicle?
My bad guys.......
Pfft... This is not even as big a deal as the cruise liner that capsized and killed passenger. Negligent homicide isn't that big a deal. Just shows there are stupid people out there.
I read that as "Train driver in [u]Space[/u] accused of homicide" I was confused.
The train in Spain stays mainly on the plain.
It seems no one cared then and people still don't care now. Meanwhile that dirty mind thread had over 700 replies.
Trains are great, the London underground is an amazing network.