[quote]No, it's a gateway drug because once people try it and like it they become more open minded and curious towards other drugs.[/quote]
That's incorrect. There are studies contradicting what you say, and everybody I know that smokes weed doen't use anything else. That's how the majority of people are.
And if someone wants to try drugs, people are going to try them either way. Legal or not.
Just because you know people who do not use other drugs doesn't mean none exist. I know people who did go from weed to meth. Please link the supposed studies that apparently prove nobody has ever moved up from marijuana.
Dude, cannabis is not a gateway to anything. People go from cannabis to meth because they want to, not because of the cannabis. You're an idiot, keep believing the War On Drugs is helping anybody.
If people simply went from weed to meth just 'because they want to', why does basically every methhead start out on weed first? Why don't people simply use heroin right from the start?
You're so wrong! It only takes one marijuanas! I had a friend take one hit of the devil's lettuce and before you know it, he was giving hand jobs for his next hit of crack!