There simply nothing you can do or say that will make me think drugs are good. In my vision, theres enough evidece that drugs are bad, and we need to keep people from using them for their own good. If you want to, fine. Take the risk of getting HIV from a dirty needle or having your teeth rot because of your stupid motherfahking meth, or even getting the shit kicked out of you for not paying off your drugs. But you wont have the freedom to legally do it because theres no risk involved, aside from te drug affects itself. In my view, all drugs should be illegal, and even cigarettes are becoming more and more strict on use. Good day.
I don't have to, science has. Not all drugs are good, I never made such an assertion, but alcohol and cannabis both have benefits in moderation which have been proven. The way you keep people from using bad drugs is informing them, not a senseless law which has only made things a lot worse and people have every right to destroy their own bodies. You have no authority to prevent them. Also, no one would be "Getting the S bet out of them" if they were dealt within a business. We are free, and the only thing illegal are the laws that prohibit drugs.
if you think your ideas are so good then go become a politician.
I'd never be such a scum. I'll continue to ignore them and live free on a personal level.
top lel.