originally posted in:Destiny
I really need to know if Destiny is going to have some, if any, form of split-screen mode. I love playing games at home with my brother, but over the past few years nearly every game we want to play together doesn't have split-screen. I am pretty much already sold on Destiny, but if I could play it with my brother without having to shell out another $50-$60 for the same game twice just to be able to, then I would get it without hesitation.
Destiny will not support local co-op. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2014-bungie-s-destiny-doesn-t-support-split-screen-co-op/1100-6420387/
1. you could share the game instead of getting another game. 2. yes there will be splitscreen
They haven't really released any info on that yet.