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7/22/2013 9:00:36 PM

Potential New Multiplayer Modes?

Bungie has a job opening for a Multiplayer Person (or something like that) who can creatively come up with new types of competitive multiplayer. What new game types do you think Destiny will have? What do you want them to have?

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  • [b]Demolition[/b] Two teams pitted against one another. Defenders must defend their base, attackers must attack it. However, The attackers have a specific goal, and that is to destroy the base. The attackers would need to be stealthy and tactical in the placement of their explosives. [b]Trouble in Terrorist Town[/b] Fans of GMod will recognize this. Essentially people are placed in a large area that can be explored. But unknown to them all, one is chosen to be a Terrorist. It is his job to do whatever it takes to kill everyone without being found out. If you kill someone you have to hide the body and make sure no evidence is left behind. One person is also Chosen to be a Detective and has tools to find more evidence than the usual "I saw him do it!" [b]Juggernaut[/b] Just as you would expect, but with a twist. Whatever class you are, when you become the Juggernaut, all your abilities are amplified. For example, if you are a Warlock, you get Unlimited Glide and fast recharging Nova bombs. If you are a Titan you get Unlimited Sprint, Unlimited Ground pound. Hunter Unlimited Dash and fast recharging Light of Traveler.

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  • I hope grifball makes a return

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    • I think it would be cool to have a game type where you loose health, abilities and space magic every time you die. Would force teamwork and stealthy gameplay. It would be slow but it would be like 2 tiger packs hunting each other in the night. See what I did there?

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      • Titan mode from battlefield 2142

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      • Loot Hunt. You and a group of 5 versus another group of 5 scour an area given and you have 10:00 minutes to find the loot. You can attack the opposing team if they're on your side of the map...basically sneakiness is needed.

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        • Why not something like Huttball (SWTOR) / Ricochet (Halo 4)? Two teams, each team has a base. One ball. The teams try to get control of the ball and throw it into the other team's base. There should be maps designed specifically for this "sport".

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        • Edited by Procelyte: 10/2/2013 11:20:03 PM
          I've been suggesting this since Halo 3. [b]Knights[/b] Two teams or free for all, but everybody is restricted to melee weapons. This could be [i]insanely [/i]fun if there's a timed block/parry system like Dishonored or Chivalry. You could even take it a step farther and introduce class-based loadouts, like somebody having more health and a shield, being a tank; and another that is weaker, but with a healing ability, etc.

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          • Raids where if your team dies, you will fail. Then, add in an almost unstoppable number of badies, then say, Go into the base, get some object, and get out before you die. You can go for all stealth, fast and hard, or go real slow and try to mow down everyone. Even better, add in more then one fireteam, maybe three, and have some people go stealthy, some go loud, some cause distractions and diversions. Basically anything that gives the players a lot of tactical control over the situation, letting them do it however they want.

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          • I think a multiple fireteam drop on a alien base competition will be awesome. The fireteam with the most kills/points wins. Imagine this, three fireteams infiltrating a hive and competing to kill the most aliens. Kill stealing to the max.

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          • Oh I hope they have something like search and destroy where you only have one life that would make the year for me

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              A Guardian obstacle course in The Arena with simulated/holographic enemies and obstacles we must use all of our acquired skills to overcome, including Special Abilities/Space Magic.

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            • [u]Protect the Wall[/u], co-op: The enemies of humanity have found a way to breach the travelers shields. Scramble to cover the breaches until repair crews can close them. [u]Cut Throat[/u], competitive: Three fire teams of three players. There is one flag to cap and each team gets a base. Only flag caps give points and the flag can only be capped at your base, but bases can be taken. If your base is taken you can not cap the flag. teams must choose between flag caps, assaulting enemy bases, and defending their own base. [u]Feed on Death[/u], add to any game type: Life and abilities do not cool down/recharge until you or a member of your fire team get a kill.

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              • I'd like to see a game mode where two teams must complete an objective while battling hostile npcs and each other. Death results in a respawn at the starting point. A team may try to sneak past while the other team is fighting, kill the other team, or they may be forced to work with the other team to defeat an exceptionally challenging npc force.

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              • I'm pretty sure that as the Destiny equivalent of Zombies/Firefight/Horde/SpartanOps etc. Bungie will use that mode we saw on one of the Menu's: Faction Wars. Though this may just be PvP, I think that even if it is, they will have another playlist where different factions battle enemies like Firefight, but its the faction with the most total points who wins.

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              • A Horde gametype. If the game is as big as they say it is and hopefully multiplayer will be to, I would have a game type called 'Land Fall'. Built for a large number of players (50+), players will have to take control of sectors scatted around in a small province (map).

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                • Without knowing what they plan currently it'd be hard to guess. Will their focus be on implementing PVP into their shared open world, or will it be lobbies as many MMOs utilize? Personally I'd like to see an open world focus, perhaps an entire planet fighting for resources. Anyone not in a group with you is red, party up for support or camp an objective and farm kills until you get taken out. Just my opinion but I find open world PVP is much more immersive rather than queuing up and waiting for a 'battleground/warzone' to pop. Also full axis, open space fighter combat. As long as they have this I don't really care if the rest of the game is terrible. Customizable space ships with full action combat in persistent space is something no one else does (EVE doesn't count, their combat is not action based. EVE is a spreadsheet, not a game).

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                  • I wanna see rush or conquest game types

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                  • As much as I like CTF. I want NEW games in Destiny

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                  • CTF! (Capture the Flag) Best game type ever conceived. Only one needed.

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                  • Hunter Mode: Two teams drop into a area controlled by NPCs. The two teams fight the NPC enemies (any enemy I don't really care) for points until a timer finishes. Players can kill each other but it awards no points.

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                  • i want Invasion back

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                  • As far as competitive pvp goes, I want to play destiny oddball!

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                  • Survival mode just like Halo's firefight a 4 player horde mode

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                    3 Replies
                    • i think a build your own map for a multiplayer perk would be cool JS

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                    • Race with Sparrow... If that's what the air bike is called: As you race, you have a team objective of picking up an item at a certain location, inside a building. A pick up will happen about 3-4 times during a race at different locations. You have to race another team, and you can kill them for a fight to the finish. As well as bring back Headhunter from Reach. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but it was really unique and fun for me to play.

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                    • I think something like a firefight but with endless waves or just a huge faction war

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