I did not feel the Jason Jones interview was explored in enough depth by the community, so wrote an article to bring out the significance. Enjoy! :)
I'm sure I'm not the only one that wishes Jones would show up for interviews more, I think of him as a silent watcher making sure his imagination for projects is coming to live. Great write up. I love the bit where you mentioned: [quote]To be clear, there is no indication that any of these approaches came specifically from Jason Jones himself. In talking of the creative process he puts it best: “Blame or credit? Usually it’s blame. Credit is somebody else.” Although, perhaps not always somebody, but something else. Establishing Bungie’s philosophy is within his control, hence his liability to blame, but a climate that brings out the best in its people transcends this control, and blurs the question of credit. Jones has provided an ideal for others to follow, and to evolve.[/quote] Jones: [quote]"It’s all people, and all ideas all day […] my ideal thing is that the game would get built without me”[/quote] Will Bungie be the same without Jones? We have no idea. Although I think of of his definite strengths is delegating to his team. Hopefully in time, even when Jones is thinking about retirement his team will carry on without him. [quote]In hearing this, McCaffrey jumped on the opportunity to confirm the mythology of Halo CE’s pistol. It has long been rumoured that Jones doubled the pistol’s damage, from a 6 to 3 shot kill, with a ninja-coding change, just prior to the game going gold. Jones confirmed this is true. His long kept silence speaks volumes for his humility. More importantly, this decision illustrates how his distanced, all-encompassing approach can create a more fun, empowering experience.[/quote] I personally hope that he is in that stage with Destiny right now. It's completely different when you're shaping the world of a new universe with a single gun (or any decision). Not only that, assuming he makes a "mistake" that we won't know about another decade from now when we're on something new, with the technology available now, I wonder if the availability of title updates would be the biggest auto correct for Destiny's ambitions through Jones. More like "Well, it seemed good in the studio, but people aren't using this weapon/element like we expected, so lets change it to fit their needs better." If Jones was to travel back 10 years knowing what he knows now and overseeing the development of Halo, it would be a completely different game. Which is why I'm more excited to see what Destiny is capable of. We've heard a couple times that Destiny was an old idea of a game they wanted to create, but they've been waiting for the technology to take form. Now that it's here, Jones gets the full team on board and (hopefully) makes the call to some right decisions. We'll find out soon. Great write up Tom.