Hi everyone! Are there any lacrosse players here?
I was thinking of joining the lacrosse team next year, and I wanted to know what I should do to prepare. I run Cross Country and play on a Soccer travel team, so I have experience in some sports. I'm really interested in Lacrosse though, and want to try that.
It's my first time playing Lacrosse (The most I've ever played of it are friendly P.E. competitions a while back or an occasional game in someone's backyard.)
Thankfully Girl's Lacrosse is one of the more unpopular sports at my school, so there are no cuts and I'm guaranteed a spot in at least JV. Obviously I want to be good though and at least know what I'm doing.
So back to my point, what should I do to practice? I have until spring next year so I have quite a bit of time to practice.
Edited by Cam: 7/20/2013 8:06:40 AMThat is a faggoty activity of faggotry.