Bungie has been pushing their relationship with Sony hardcore. At the PS4 announcement, there was a Destiny video and even at Sony's E3 there was more information and a full length gameplay reveal. They've even said that the PlayStation platforms are going to receive exclusive content.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that now more people will be able to enjoy Bungie's creations, but the Xbox fanbase are the people who have supported and loved Bungie's games for over a decade, the one that's bought all of their games and merchandise. I don't understand why they being so cold to Xbox and it's fanbase?
*sigh* another one of this shit 1. MS is F'kd up 2. Xbone if I am not mistaken will be getting something as well it was mentioned in a video or in an article not directly from bungie though but someone that works with them, a thread was created here in this forum go search it 3. Think about it you smart smart guy bungie already have a lot of xbox fans so they are focusing a bit more on targeting PS4 gamer its just that simple you -blam- 4. Sony pays more attention to the needs and wants of their consumers the gamers and developers they went out of their way asking developers feedback on what they want to see, what they need and what they expect on the new gen consoles, sony has this in common with bungie thus bungie likes working with sony 5. MS is so F'kd up xboners are one of the whiniest people, i know this because I used to be one of them lol