I took Deej's advice, and now my mute list has been expanded by 65 users. Wow.
Also, just throwing this out there: there's no shame in "white knighting" a.k.a: being a decent human being. You can stop pointing it out now.
Edited by MajorTugh: 7/19/2013 5:53:10 PMwhen I white knight I get ripped in half with people telling me Im not a real man. btw only wk once. Now I am the black knight
I wouldn't call white knighting being a decent human being, more like a hypocritical token display of kindness.
Edited by Wyldfyre: 7/19/2013 5:56:10 PMDepends on the motives. If someone is doing it just for the sake of decency, I see no problem with that. Although I do find it cringe worthy if they're doing it just to kiss up to or look good for the person they're defending. I'd just like to make that distinction.
I was under the impression that "white knighting", by definition, is being sycophantic and obsequious towards someone. That's why the term exists. It's not "also known as" being a decent human being. Being a decent human being is also known as being a decent human being. There doesn't need to be another term for it. The term "white knight" exists solely to denigrate those who are excessively servile to another person. Being a kiss-ass. At least, that's what I thought.
Edited by Wyldfyre: 7/19/2013 6:23:42 PMI've never come across that distinction. I was moreso intending to call out the people who equal defending a female for the sake of it with trying to get into her good books.
[quote]Although I do find it cringe worthy if they're doing it just to kiss up to or look good for the person they're defending.[/quote] Pretty sure that's what white knighting is. Different from defending someone from personal attacks regardless of gender.
Edited by Wyldfyre: 7/19/2013 6:23:49 PM[quote]I've never come across that distinction. I was moreso intending to call out the people who equal defending a female for the sake of it with trying to get into her good books.[/quote]
You mean people who call not white knighting white knighting to make people who defend women seem like they're only doing it because they're losers Yeah that sucks too, and it's every bit as backhanded as calling women out just for being women in the first place.
I have a small town called Mute and it's population is growing.
I only defend women in a case if I can imagine helping her being a guy and thinking "Would I help him?". Unless its completely a girl-specific issue. In which case, I leave it up to my morals and such.
Cool beans, brah!
amen to that GrizzlyCG
My grammar went out the window in the first sentence, but I think it makes enough sense.
Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 7/18/2013 6:15:23 PMlol yeah it is who the hell defends girls on the Internet it's not like they're [i]human beings[/i] with feelings or anything I don't even some people man you aren't gonna get e-laid guys just stop /Iwouldonlyput/sarcasmhereifIwasawhiteknightwhichI'mtotallynotbtw I don't even think girls use the Internet Do girls use the Internet?
Am I on there?
Oh thank jesus
hai wyld
Fun fact, I'm not on felicia's mute list. Despite what I said yesterday lel
lol, I'd be surprised if SoK isn't muted after his post in this thread
No not Felicia. I can't function without her acknowledging my digital presence on these forums.
There's only two people I muted because of this thread, mainly because they kept replying to everything I posted, saying the same crap I already addressed.
Edited by Banned Man 3000: 7/18/2013 5:46:18 PMTo be fair I don't think Felicia is the type of person to mute someone for having different opinions.
So if you don't think she isn't, she's probably got him muted
You know what I meant. I seriously need to start proof reading my comments