Bungie has been pushing their relationship with Sony hardcore. At the PS4 announcement, there was a Destiny video and even at Sony's E3 there was more information and a full length gameplay reveal. They've even said that the PlayStation platforms are going to receive exclusive content.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that now more people will be able to enjoy Bungie's creations, but the Xbox fanbase are the people who have supported and loved Bungie's games for over a decade, the one that's bought all of their games and merchandise. I don't understand why they being so cold to Xbox and it's fanbase?
I love Bungie either way but I'm a Xman myself and I am a little disappointed I won't be able to enjoy destiny and even future Bungie games to its full extent because I won't be able to get the content that other people can get. This is why I hate the counsel war, why can't Everyone get the same awesome experience