I reckon we Floodians should play this game and dominate, you take control of a third world state, align with either Communism or Capitalism, oppress your people or be a peace loving hippy state. You begin in either Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Middle East.
[url=http://www.bloc.name/stats.php?id=6516]Observe my great country, united forever in friendship and labour.[/url]
My country's name is Falador. I'd enjoy joining an alliance so I don't get like, destroyed lol
I'm in Sociopths United. I'm doing pretty well, there's a lot of us in that clan
I think my approval rating's broken >.> Oh no, I'm apparently worshiped as a God! That's kinda cool! And my nation's doing pretty well! Got a GDP of $469M with 33K growth!
Guys, I didn't realise you already played this, I haven't been on in months, can you invite me to an alliance?!
I'm already at $325m GDP, 25k growth/month and it's increasing every month on its own. I'm just saving up money now.
Right now, the only two Bungie alliances in BLOC are Sapphire or Sociopths United.
The flood will never by allies with each other.