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Edited by Felicia402: 7/21/2013 5:15:11 PM

Criticizing and making inappropriate comments on female member's appearances

Now before I begin, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into here. I'm prepared for the flaming and the insults, but I'm going to put on my brave face here, and finally say something which I believe has been on a lot of other member's minds, but nobody wants to speak up in fear of being ridiculed. Inappropriate I've noticed some people, if not a lot of people, on these forums somehow think criticizing, comparing, and making rather disgusting comments on a females appearance is okay. Now, I'm not sure what you guys talk about privately or around your "buds" in real life (I mean, I've discussed other people's appearances before to friends in a mature manner) however do you guys do so around the actual girls you're discussing? I'm assuming not, but if you do, seriously, learn better manners. I know we all like to sit around and post images of models and actresses then critic their looks. It's all in good fun, I acknowledge that and that's fine, but when you're doing so to girls that are SEEING your comments and you're well AWARE they're seeing your comments, what makes you think that's okay? What makes you think because these females post pictures of themselves, that you have the right to say you find them unattractive or compare them to one another? This is NOT okay behavior, and it doesn't matter how much you try to justify it, [b]it never will be okay.[/b] If you went up to a girl in public and said "Meh. 5/10. Seen better", you'd be considered an asshole. If you went up to two girls in public and said one was better looking than the other, you're an asshole. Comment on a girl's picture on Facebook saying "You got a good body, your face on the other had...", you'd be considered an asshole. Just because you're anonymous and because these random females post pictures of themselves online, doesn't make you any less of an asshole. Sorry to inform you. Now before you all just start slurring comments such as; >"Well don't post pictures of yourself if you care so much!!!", (which still don't justify such horrible behavior) I don't care. I'm content with my appearance, and if I wasn't, no I wouldn't have had posted pictures of myself. It is all in good fun, and shouldn't be no different than a male member posting a picture. [b]Looks are irrelevant on a internet forum.[/b] >"Don't be so insecure!" I can ensure you, I'm not. If I was I would have NEVER made a thread like this. I'm prepared for a ton of insults coming my way for simply making this thread. >"It's an opinion! Deal with it! I can say what I want online." Sometimes it's best to keep opinions to yourself. We all can be judgmental, and I'm definitely no angel myself, but I don't be going up to be people saying negative comments about things they cannot change. That would make me a [b]mean person.[/b] It doesn't matter if you're online or in person, this is still [b]mean.[/b] >"Like if someone posts art online, I'll tell them how I truly feel so they can improve!" Unlike art, you can't change your appearance, and seriously nobody say plastic surgery. This thread was made out of curiosity, and curiosity alone. I just want to know why you guys think this behavior is okay. I was going to keep this thread within TFS, but I don't think my main target members will be able to see it. I may regret doing so, but come on guys, for once show everyone we're not such a god awful shit-tier forum. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

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  • Goes in one ear and comes out the other, unfortunately. You're preaching to the converted.

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  • Tempest in a teapot. Storm in a teacup. This thread.

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  • This is completely true. Society has raised males to think they are inherently dominant and oppressive figures that can't be punished for it. That is clearly not true. Unfortunately many males think that their comments are just in good fun and don't hurt anyone which is also completely incorrect. Thankfully we see many strong females, such as yourself, taking a stand and making a difference. I do hope that everyone who reads this takes it to heart since you don't have an excuse for many of the things you do; you are responsible and held accountable for your actions. There is a cause and effect with everything, including what you say online.

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    7 Replies
    • Not sure if utter moron, or just trolling

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      • internet is serious business for the wimenz.

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      • It's the Internet, people are going to judge you, and if the only thing they have to judge you on is a picture you posted, you can't expect many niceties.

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      • Attention whores are fair game, if not easy targets.

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      • I would normally say white knight alert but I agree with pretty much everything you just said. Unfortunately most of the people on here do not understand behind every key board is a killer. I unfortunately know this to be true (indirectly responsible for a surcide ) they need to lean manners and not talk about girls that are on this forum in such a rude and disgusting way. I am with you on the people post models then well it all fun and games but

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      • Edited by Dropship dude: 7/19/2013 9:16:04 AM
        Give a demographic encompassing teenagers, children and young adults (including adults) anonymity on a forum and you're asking for trouble. Hell, if there's a monitor between them and you, they become keyboard warriors, prepared to say anything that they want to as long as it can't hurt them. I feel like you need me to make a thread. I'm going to make a thread. Then I shall link it here. [url=]Here you go, everyone.[/url] Now is your time to redeem yourselves.

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      • I don't comment on people's appearances unless I have something nice to say. So, meh.

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      • So if somebody makes a thread on here asking what people think of a user, we should just post nothing but positive comments? Sorry but lying isn't a better solution. People have different opinions in a discussion. If I post a picture and people call me ugly, I don't give a damn and quite frankly your should either. When it comes to facebook and commenting on people's pictures I rarely see bad comments about their appearance unless it's obvious the person in question was joking.

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        Half the guys here are mid teen insecure virgins who would actually shit themselves in real life if a girl said hi to them, i really wouldn't worry about what said kids think, they will grow up eventually :).

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      • Although a lot of the comments made about other users on here are wrong, I genuinely believe that if you look for attention (as certain members do) you have to be ready to accept the rough with the smooth. Like Foman said, the best thing to do on internet forums is to remain anonymous.

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      • There's this one big thing you're assuming here. You're acting like the people who do it on here wouldn't do it in real life. But the thing is, they certainly would if not for one thing. The lack of being anonymous. Doing so will get them called out by different people, potentially harassed and in the most extreme cases attacked, most likely over a period of time. But that can't happen here. Why? Because here on we're all anonymous. They can get away with that shit so they do it. That's what it's all about. They can get away with it.

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        4 Replies
        • Hopefully people can learn to get over immature and unjust jurisdiction on one another because of [b][/b]looks.[b][/b] [b][/b][u][/u]Looks.[i][/i][b][/b] Many people just do not realize we are all human, no matter appearance. I joined this forum to check up on Destiny and give Bungie the respective praise and criticism. I didn't come here to compare to members Bra size or whatnot. I came ere to talk to people who have the same interests, hobbies, pastimes, favorites, etc. Judging a person due to appearance is [b][/b]NOT[b][/b] the point of this website. Its to have Fun, and join Bungie's quest for world domination. That does not mean talk about physical appearance in an immature, ignorant, unjust, and downright stupid and moronic way.

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          2 Replies
          • By what right does the neckbeard judge the women? By what right?

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          • >Looks at OP >"Ain't got time fo' dat" >+200 replies >Eh -blam!- it >Remembers my shitpost making fun of errybody >Might just bump it >Thinks about people who will take it srs >Lel >Thinks about the point of this thread >Realizes I don't give -blam!- >Goes to bump those threads if they haven't been removed >They have been removed >These damn feels

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          • Someone is trying to change the Flood. Unless I've missed something all these years, the members of the Flood attack anyone and [i]everyone[/i]. And I can promise you that if the Flood was made up of 98% females, when the 2% of guys posted their pics (if they were brave enough) would be subject to the same criticism and comments you see here daily. I bet you would even have some girls creating alt accounts pretending to be guys, trolling the other girls. Shit, I bet we do have that here already. I read your post twice and I'm having a hard time trying to understand why you really made it. I don't believe it's because you "believe in us." Didn't you make the "how to get a girl" thread where you told guys to not be cocky? Was that you? I remember I replied something like, "I'm cocky and talk shit and I've done just fine." To which you replied, "I'm sure they are all young girls." That's quite an assumption. I mean, is it okay for you to attack me like that? Putting me down, making fun of me, assuming I only get young girls, possibly implying that they are underage? If that wasn't you, my bad. But that's just an example of how it can go both ways on the Flood. It's always been this way on the Flood. Good discussion though. I am glad it wasn't another drink some blood post.

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          • *sigh* You certainly did attract a lot of butthurt users. If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say it all eh?

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          • A few observations, if you will. First, you have been complaining about this and that and whathaveyou. People don't often take too kindly about such things. Second, you're on the internet. Anonymous profiles mean no reason and no blame. Good luck trying to change them. Third, in a reply I noticed how you said men will not comment on each other as much as they would a woman. I would put thatdown to two things. The first being that most men do not take interest in each others aappearance, and are more interested in women's appearances. Second this is a gaming website, which should reflect current gaming demographics, which is out of every ten people 3 will be female. Let's say 100,000 profiles exist. That would be 30,000 females on this site. But not everyone post regularly. So 10,000 people in general visit forums or private groups. 3,000 of those female. Of that female population, how many do you think revealed themselves as female? I suppose my point is that your expectations are to high, you set yourself up by not only saying you are female (which not many people care about), but you also expect to be treated better (or your gender). It comes across that you believe some sort of battle of the sexes is happening , where men make undeserved comments about women who post pictures of themselves on the internet. Flaws in that are: people are honest; if the picture is posted to receive compliments, why should we oblige? If I post something dumb, I wanna hear about it; the belief that females don't do the same thing; some of those aforementioned anonymous females are part of what you believe to be males. Observations, over.

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          • Edited by Orion: 7/18/2013 7:32:45 AM
            Please read this. With all do respect. I can't help but believe you are doing this to yourself. I've been on these forums for almost 3 years now, and I actually haven't seen a single thread about rating women, nor have I ever posted something that could be considered sexist. So whatever it is your doing, you are probably playing a big role in it. The internet is a tornado of insults and stupidity. If you are sacrificing your anonymity, you are walking directly into it. Besides, this forum is about [b]video games[/b] and [b]Bungie[/b]. Whoever got the bright idea to start rating women on here is a pervert and isn't a friend of mine anyways. There are plenty of other more appropriate (or inappropriate in this case) sites to do that on. To any other victims of this ridiculous feud topping the forums, let's go back and nerd out on Destiny speculation.

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          • Hey don't look at me amigo, I learned a while back to look in the mirror before I judge folks, or say something about it for that matter. Wish other folks would learn the lesson. Makes me want to kick babies when some asshat points out my god damn tooth and asks, "When are you gonna get that fixed?" Or, the best thing, "Ya shoulda kept your shitty construction job and gotten un-employment!" Yeah sure, that amount of money is worth the hounding you get by the folks in charge of it all to find another job. And if they hand you a job and you don't like it, you can kiss that money goodbye. What irrelevant tripe folks can be sometimes.

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          • I actually agree with you. This is a site built by a gaming company and not everyone is models to judge. However you have to remember, it's the Internet, that's gonna happen. But I mean come on, all the forums about it? That's kinda ridiculous in my opinion

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          • Why take trolls seriously or better yet, why not just mute them.

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              Also, you're trying too hard to be like Jay and pretend to post something "deep" and how oppressed you are. You're both obnoxious attention-seeking fools, and you wonder why you're treated the way you are? It's not because you're girls, it's because you're pathetic fools who have no idea what you're talking about yet still pretend to.

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              15 Replies
              • The last time I commented on a lady's picture here (which happens to be the only time) I went all crazy fangirl because I thought she looked good. But I see what you mean.

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