When I put something in brackets it's because I'm thinking something (God! Idiots!)
**still dead** **and still confused **
( is a parenthesis [ is a bracket { this is also a bracket Know this
( is a bracket in British English and a parenthesis in American English (because Americans like to be exotic by calling a tap a faucet) [ is a square bracket { is a brace
:( I have been outwitted and mistaken the brace for a bracket even though I knew it was a brace. I agree we do come up with some weird names for stuff rather than what it originally was
~,~` *suppressing rage* *failing* *About to give death threat* *thinks better of it* *throws caution out of the window* *snaps* n,n thank you for informing me of my error.
No problem go about your business and don't mind my subtle annoyances