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7/16/2013 12:11:10 AM
[quote]Star Forge = "The Star Forge drew energy and matter from a nearby star which, when combined with the power of the Force, was capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war materiel. Some speculate that the Star Forge was partially alive, and thrived on the force. A dark Jedi behind the Forge could cause havoc on entire solar systems with a never ending production rate of weaponry." [/quote] A Forerunner ship could completely wipe this out. If they have defenses, send a forerunner fleet. [quote] Sun Crusher = "Although the smallest of the superweapons, the Sun Crusher was one of the most deadly. The Sun Crusher was able to make any star within its range go supernova. Thus, it could basically wipe entire galaxies off of the map simply by targeting its sun. Once the sun went supernova, everything around it died too." [/quote] You mean solar systems? Because a Galaxies center is a black hole. [quote]Eclipse Super Star Destroyer = "The Eclipse Star Destroyer had a cannon that rivaled the power of the Deathstar. It was primarily used to destroy other capitol ships and space stations. However, it did have the ability to blow through a planet’s shields and annihilate it. The Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer could also pulverize other Super Star Destroyers with ease." [/quote] A Fortress class vessel would like to have a word with the Eclipse. 100Km in length, one of the most powerful ships in the Forerunner arsenal. besides the fact that a battle group of these destroyed an entire Halo ring, one could take on the Eclipse no problem. Eclipse fires it's main gun? no problem, Forerunner ships use slip space as a weapon, teleporting the fired object and turning it on the enemy ship. There goes the Eclipse if it fires it's main gun. Fortress class ships also carry hundreds of thousands of sentinels (50 sentinels could destroy a covenant capital ship.) on board, and carry weapons literally everywhere on the ship. Weapons that could take on a fleet alone. Hell one of these could destroy the entire covenant fleet easily. God forbid you face a fleet of these, Forerunner ships are controlled by AI, AI often controlled entire fleets, so in this case, you have a battle group of these ships being controlled by one of the most powerful AI in existence. [quote] World Devestator = "Although it is debatable if the World Devastators were deadlier than the Death Star, they were undoubtedly more efficient. The Death Star could merely destroy worlds, while the World Devastators could use a targeted world’s material resources for the Empire’s benefit. A Devastator’s primary tactic was to land on the surface of a planet. There, its mighty tractor beam projectors would literally tear the planet beneath it apart, thus making them “planet killers" [/quote] Could easily be destroyed by a fleet, if guarded by something actually menacing, send a Precursor to tear it apart. [quote] Death Star II = "The second Death Star was bigger stronger and faster than the first one. While the original was 160 KM wide and traveled at 10 megalight, the second Death Star was 900 KM wide and could travel at 20 megalight." [/quote] Not even a threat to a forerunner fleet. [quote] Galaxy Gun = "The Galaxy Gun was designed to serve as a superweapon capable of firing large, destructive projectiles equipped with particle disintegrator warheads capable of destroying an entire planet. It was also equipped with hyperdrive and sublight thrusters. In short, this was a portable superweapon." [/quote] Again not even a threat, watch it fire, then watch the warheads slip space behind it. Causing destruction. [quote] Centerpoint Station = "Centerpoint had tractor beams so powerful that it could move entire planets out of orbit. It had the ability to create entire orbiting galaxies. Centerpoint Station also had the ability to shoot this powerful tractor beam as a concentrated source of energy. The result was a devastating blast that could travel through hyperspace, and could not be deflected." [/quote] Using slip space as a weapon is pretty OP. Just swarm it with a fleet. or Star roads, or whatever a Precursor could imagine.

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