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Edited by Madman Mordo: 7/15/2013 4:58:04 PM
Sigh, more Halo kiddies and their lack of canonical knowledge... Hell, just read half of [url=]this.[/url] Pre Rebellion Star Wars > Pre Human/Forerunner War, and well basically everything else in Halo. Pre Human/Forerunner War > Post Rebellion Star Wars. Post Rebellion Star Wars > UNSC/Covenant War.

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  • [quote] [/quote] A single factory sitting above a star which harnasses it's energy to create more ships, weapons and robots....on a star???? Send a Forerunner fleet to that system (if they know the coordinates) and turn the star into supernova. You think that single factory is impressive? Read this thread and see for yourself how the Forerunners industrial capacity is far more impressive then the entire combined star wars galaxy: [quote][/quote] Star wars factions consider a single superweapon as a gamechanger and holy-blam!-wearescrewed. The Forerunners wouldn't be impressed with it, they casually blew up entire starsystems to stop the flood. Even the UNSC can blow up stars with opening a slipspace rupture into a star. So you have one weapon that can blow up stars, Halo has entire fleets that can accomplish it. Note: the sun crusher got destroyed by a blackhole, a slipspace rupture will do the same job. Or the Precursors can disable it for the lulz [quote][/quote] A very powerful individual, will still die when his fleet get's ravaged or when he get's overwhelmed on ground. [quote] [/quote] Only a handful have that ability and even they haven't full control over it. Competent Halo fleet commanders would order their fleet to slipspace jump away from the approaching force storm. Then return and drop a few nukes at the source of that storm. Hell they can always send in starroads which are indestructible to time and nature itself. Only the Halo's were able to destroy it. [quote][/quote] Again just like all star wars superweapons, something star wars factions would fear while Halo factions would laugh at it. Moving entire planets is nothing compared to Forerunners who can casually move planets, stars, rings whenever they want through the use of massive slipspace portals. Precursors were able to "They shaped and moved entire galaxies"- Ur Didact Halo silentium. [quote][/quote] Never happened, it only exists in theory. But even if they were capable of doing so, do you really want to destroy the universe you are living it as that destroys yourself. Only a lunatic would think of such weapon. Precursors wouldn't give a damn, they have lived in multiple universes. [quote]Hell, just read half of this[/quote] Star wars factions view superweapons as godly weapons that are rare. Halo views them as part of their daily life (excluding covies and the UNSC). All Halo factions have to do is sending a fleet of star roads and flood infested starships towards the star wars galaxy. Then they just take a seat and eat popcorn while watching the ongoing chaos. And make sure that there are camera's in every corner to view the action.

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  • Edited by Madman Mordo: 7/15/2013 6:42:08 PM
    I was wondering when a knee jerk reaction would occur... [quote]A single factory sitting above a star which harnasses it's energy to create more ships, weapons and robots....on a star???? Send a Forerunner fleet to that system (if they know the coordinates) and turn the star into supernova. You think that single factory is impressive?[/quote] Actually yes. In theory, the Forerunners only have finite resources. A lot of resources yes, but definitely finite. With the Star Forge, you're essentially granting the user infinite resources. Infinite trumps finite bro. Plop a competent Sith/Jedi along with the weapon and that's half of the Forerunner army at the height of it's power already gone. Give Darth Nihilus a go and the entirety of the Forerunner's are fecking erased. [quote]Read this thread and see for yourself how the Forerunners industrial capacity is far more impressive then the entire combined star wars galaxy:[/quote] Not seeing anything that grants infinite resources here. [quote]Star wars factions consider a single superweapon as a gamechanger and holy-blam!-wearescrewed. The Forerunners wouldn't be impressed with it, they casually blew up entire starsystems to stop the flood. Even the UNSC can blow up stars with opening a slipspace rupture into a star.[/quote] lol First of all correct. There are myriads of superweapons in the Star Wars universe that could one shot most adjacent universes, including, and especially Halo. Second of all, The Forerunners didn't blow up star systems to stop the Flood. IIRC, the Flood at the height of it's power were kicking their asses. They only beat the Flood by "an hero"-ing themselves and the rest of the galaxy. Third of all, holyshitlol, source for the UNSC part. I suspect that was an immediate asspull. [quote]So you have one weapon that can blow up stars, Halo has entire fleets that can accomplish it.[/quote] They have superweapons in multitudes bro. Sorry to iterate, but the Sun Crusher isn't the only trick up SW's sleeve. [quote]A very powerful individual, will still die when his fleet get's ravaged or when he get's overwhelmed on ground.[/quote] Except that very powerful individual could delete his enemies before they even grace his presence. Seriously, he could one shot the Forerunner's home world if he so wished. Granted, Precursors are a different story, but there's absolutely no shadow of a doubt the Forerunners don't stand a sliver of a chance here. [quote]Only a handful have that ability and even they haven't full control over it.[/quote] Incorrect. Any semi decent Sith could control one with an artifact. High tier Sith like Sidious, Bane, Krayt, Nihilus etc would be able to manipulate it with relative ease. [quote]Competent Halo fleet commanders would order their fleet to slipspace jump away from the approaching force storm. Then return and drop a few nukes at the source of that storm. Hell they can always send in starroads which are indestructible to time and nature itself. Only the Halo's were able to destroy it.[/quote] Because they're instantly going to know when and where a Force Storm will pop up. [quote]Again just like all star wars superweapons, something star wars factions would fear while Halo factions would laugh at it. Moving entire planets is nothing compared to Forerunners who can casually move planets, stars, rings whenever they want through the use of massive slipspace portals. Precursors were able to "They shaped and moved entire galaxies"- Ur Didact Halo silentium.[/quote] This is a Celestial weapon bro. Star Wars' equivalent to the Precursors. And it isn't just "planets". It can collapse multiple stars into black holes and fling them at numerous enemies. So if the Precursors can somehow garner an asspull win due to the obscure "LOL ST4R RODS THO", then the Centerpoint Station can play that game just as easily. Also, source for Forerunners moving stars. In fact, I want sources for all of the Halo shit you're spouting right now. [quote]Never happened, it only exists in theory. But even if they were capable of doing so, do you really want to destroy the universe you are living it as that destroys yourself. Only a lunatic would think of such weapon. Precursors wouldn't give a damn, they have lived in multiple universes.[/quote] Just like "Neural Physics" exists in theory. Yet I see none of you Halotards doubting it's dubiousness. [quote]Star wars factions view superweapons as godly weapons that are rare.[/quote] Halo factions view the Precursors as some mysterious Jesus race that can one shot just about anything. We barely know much about them, yet the Halotards are so eager to jump on the Precursor wankfest and jerk them off into oblivion until Halo magically comes out on top. [quote]Halo views them as part of their daily life (excluding covies and the UNSC).[/quote] Oh god lol. I'd like another round of sauces to go with that. [quote]All Halo factions have to do is sending a fleet of star roads and flood infested starships towards the star wars galaxy. Then they just take a seat and eat popcorn while watching the ongoing chaos. And make sure that there are camera's in every corner to view the action.[/quote] All SW has to do is send in Nihilus, watch him one shot everything save the Precursors, which at that point The Celestials bust out the other superweapons until the Precursors are reverted back into single celled organisms. Boom. Bye bye. No more Halo. #sorrynotsorry

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  • [b][quote]Actually yes. In theory, the Forerunners only have finite resources. A lot of resources yes, but definitely finite. With the Star Forge, you're essentially granting the user infinite resources. Infinite trumps finite bro. Plop a competent Sith/Jedi along with the weapon and that's half of the Forerunner army at the height of it's power already gone. Give Darth Nihilus a go and the entirety of the Forerunner's are fecking erased. [/quote] Their material resources come from unhabitable planets which make up the majority of the planets in the galaxy or universe. Finite, nope? A huge amount of them yes, so much that they have resources for an entire lifetime more then enough to last a war against starwars (which would only take a matter of years to beat). The way they succesfully make use of this material puts them several orders f magnitude above star wars, with a fast production rate you can create an army that drowns the other side in numbers alone. Their strenght isn't just numbers, it's firepowers, leet hacks like suppressors or faster FTL. You can brag all you want about a single factory above a star, the forerunners still have more factories with faster production rate and far superior units. If you're still stubborn with saying infinite star energy>>>>material, then i'll dissapoint you. It's revealed in cryptum that Forerunners make use of containment and collection fields to harness the energy of dozens of stars. And i'll say again reread the thread i posted. Star wars won't win the "who produces the most" battle. It took the empire 2-4 years to create an incomplete death star II, the Forerunners themselfs would create the death star II in every 5 minutes. Just read that thread. Nihilus wouldn't do a much. He'll pannick the moment he finds his fleets can't function cuz of the suppresion fields made by star roads, then he sees how his fleet gets destroyed by invulnerable starroads. [quote]Not seeing anything that grants infinite resources here. [/quote] See above. Star wars is horribly outnumbered and outgunned in this fight. [quote]First of all correct. There are myriads of superweapons in the Star Wars universe that could one shot most adjacent universes, including, and especially Halo. Second of all, The Forerunners didn't blow up star systems to stop the Flood. IIRC, the Flood at the height of it's power were kicking their asses. They only beat the Flood by "an hero"-ing themselves and the rest of the galaxy. Third of all, holyshitlol, source for the UNSC part. I suspect that was an immediate asspull. [/quote] -Said superweapons aren't impressive in the eyes of the Forerunners. Palpatine can brag all he wants about a few weapons that can destroy planets or starsystems. But the Didact snorts and shows his fleet that can do the same thing but better. Here is a simple comparision: A random faction has dozens of 100 teraton nukes at their disposal(star wars), while the other faction equipes their armed forces with pistols that can blow up planets(Halo). The Forerunners did blew up starsystems: "This fleet currently retains the capacity to force premature stellar collapse; I advise that this be established as standard operating procedure for all compromised systems forthwith. "- Halo 3 terminal 2 "clans and families and partners split apart by the Flood war, cities destroyed, star systems scoured to prevents infection"- Halo silentium I know that the flood kicked their asses, it was poor wording on my part that made it seem that i claimed the forerunners were winning that war. The UNSC used a FTL drive, they detonated inside a star and the star went supernova. It all happened in halo wars. You haven't played much Halo didn't you? [quote]They have superweapons in multitudes bro. Sorry to iterate, but the Sun Crusher isn't the only trick up SW's sleeve. [/quote] How many superweapons do they have that can blow up stars? Only a handful right... The Forerunners have entire fleets that can do it. [quote]Except that very powerful individual could delete his enemies before they even grace his presence. Seriously, he could one shot the Forerunner's home world if he so wished. Granted, Precursors are a different story, but there's absolutely no shadow of a doubt the Forerunners don't stand a sliver of a chance here. [/quote] Nope he can only kill life that was touched by the force. There is no force in the Halo galaxy. [quote]Incorrect. Any semi decent Sith could control one with an artifact. High tier Sith like Sidious, Bane, Krayt, Nihilus etc would be able to manipulate it with relative ease. [/quote] Which artifact and evidence? [quote]Because they're instantly going to know when and where a Force Storm will pop up. [/quote] It's not difficult to see a gigantic storm rising up from the surface with either naked eye or sensors. And if they are smart, initiate an order to jump away from it. How fast are force storms anyway? [quote]This is a Celestial weapon bro. Star Wars' equivalent to the Precursors. And it isn't just "planets". It can collapse multiple stars into black holes and fling them at numerous enemies. So if the Precursors can somehow garner an asspull win due to the obscure "LOL ST4R RODS THO", then the Centerpoint Station can play that game just as easily. Also, source for Forerunners moving stars. In fact, I want sources for all of the Halo shit you're spouting right now. [/quote] -I'll accept celestials as equivelants of precursors if they are in possession of indestructible material, an age and wisdom database older then the universe, the ability to create life, move galaxies and all the other Centerpoint station is nothing compared to the starroads that can destroy planets and starsystems and -blam!- up all tech in the galaxy. -No, unfortunately for you starroads do have the ability that we described. The centerpoint station doesn't what it can do can be done as well by Forerunners.Don't be stupid. Your side hasn't shown a counter against starroads. If you want quotes on starroads then i'll give em, it will take some time to find them. -"From those inner secrets, the Forerunners have prodded sufficient power to change the shape of worlds, [u]move stars[/u], and even to contemplate shifting the axes of entire galaxies. We have explored other realities, other spaces – slipspace, denial of locale, shunspace, trick geo-detics, natal void, the photon-only realm the Glow.”-Halo Cryptum Sure tell me exactly on what i should provide some more evidence. [quote]Just like "Neural Physics" exists in theory. Yet I see none of you Halotards doubting it's dubiousness. [/quote] ????hahahaha! Neural physics isn't a theory, it exists. Forerunners didn't understood it, but it did exist. I'm not good at explaining that subject but it's the reason why Precursor structures are indestructible. We do have feats on Precursor material. That shawken device of yours has never been used and even if it works, you just kill yourself with it which the multiverse Precursors would give a thumps up for. [quote]Halo factions view the Precursors as some mysterious Jesus race that can one shot just about anything. We barely know much about them, yet the Halotards are so eager to jump on the Precursor wankfest and jerk them off into oblivion until Halo magically comes out on top. [/quote] Halo Silentium bro. We have enough feats on starroads to use them in debates, aside from that the books also gave us some neat facts about the Precursors like the fact that they are +100 billion years old. [quote]Oh god lol. I'd like another round of sauces to go with that[/quote]. They actually do, a Forerunner miner casually destroyed a planet just to kill someone. [quote]All SW has to do is send in Nihilus, watch him one shot everything save the Precursors, which at that point The Celestials bust out the other superweapons until the Precursors are reverted back into single celled organisms. Boom. Bye bye. No more Halo. #sorrynotsorry[/quote] You have your hopes on one single individual that can easily be killed the moment he encounters a Halo fleet not to mention he can only kill life touched by the force. So far it has not been proven that the celestials are even near the Precursors and every single recorded star wars superweapon would be seen as a christmas toy for a spoiled Forerunner manipular.

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  • I'm not going to say that nothing in that list you linked last can turn the tide of battle, but in the first 6 links you provided, only the Force Storm and Centrepoint Station appear competent enough to take on the slipspace manipulation powers of the Precursors and Forerunners. A lot of those weapons are rendered null by simply capturing them in a slipspace bubble and storing them indefinitely or aging them to destruction.

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  • Edited by Madman Mordo: 7/15/2013 5:07:47 PM
    Just Darth Nihilus + The Star Forge alone can solo the Forerunners. In fact, probably Nihilus alone could solo the Forerunners if he discovers their homeplanet. You do realise Nihilus can simply annihilate the populations of entire planets with a mere thought?

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  • Edited by U124926: 7/15/2013 5:04:30 PM
    Any Star Wars ship can get out of slipspace using hyperspace.

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  • But what if hyperspace is a lower dimension of slipspace?

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  • it isnt hyper space is made by speeding time up so you warp time it self look it up. also hyper speed can switch dimesion

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  • lol Nihilus. You kicked his ass.

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  • Nihilus can absorb the life force of entire planets by a mere thought. Do not f*ck with Nihilus.

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  • So why didn't do it on the planet in KOTOR II, which has a name which I can't remember.

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  • He was going to until he had to fight the Exile, who was a hole in the Force and he couldn't absorb her life force.

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  • Because KOTOR II is horse piss.

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  • Now that is true.

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