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7/15/2013 3:39:53 PM
First off the forerunners did lose to the flood, sort of noticeable if you ever play a halo game. From your celestial link [quote]Almost nothing was known of the mysterious race of aliens who were also known as the Architects due to the permanence of their cosmological constructions.[1] They were considered one of the earliest and most potent cultures of their time that were identified by the colossal objects they had left behind.[2] Their identities were considered largely a mystery due to lack of information on them.[/quote] Hardly anything is known about them and nothing in that article talked much of their weaponry or technology besides shifting planets and solar systems, which precursors can do. Your immorality link leads to an explanation of immortality and it does not talk or explain how this would factor into the vs at all, or what role it plays-therefore it can be seen as null. Your force ghost link is almost laughable at how you think it'll be a factor. [quote]The Force ghost was the soul and essence of a deceased Force-sensitive who denied the will of the Force upon death, yet [b]was able to interact with the living, albeit not physically.[/b][1] Some Sith Lords learned similar techniques, which in [b]some cases allowed them to physically interact[/b] with their environment. [/quote] So what exactly does any of that have to play into this fight? Also linking to articles doesn't often constitute sources as they are fan made. Also immortal beings can be indefinetely contained by forerunners who have the capability to accelarate time or reverse time-as well as being capable of containing beings indefinetely inside slipspace fractures. [spoiler]"No," Dr. Halsey replied. "I'm afraid it is in perfect working order." She turned to Kurt. "I cannot revive your Spartans or the other three, Lieutenant Commander. They are not in cryogenic suspension." Kurt shook off the last traces of confusion. "Explain," he said. "They are encased in a Slipspace field. The process to stabilize such a field in normal space is well beyond any technology we or the Covenant possess. Essentially these Spartans are here, but not, extruded into an alternate set of spatial coordinates and excluded from time." "They're right here," Linda said, and pointed at the pods. "No," Dr. Halsey said. "You are merely seeing their afterimage. It's like looking at a mass accelerated past the event horizon of a black hole. Its image may linger there forever, but it is gone."[/spoiler] [spoiler]"No," Dr. Halsey replied. "I'm afraid it is in perfect working order." She turned to Kurt. "I cannot revive your Spartans or the other three, Lieutenant Commander. They are not in cryogenic suspension." Kurt shook off the last traces of confusion. "Explain," he said. "They are encased in a Slipspace field. The process to stabilize such a field in normal space is well beyond any technology we or the Covenant possess. Essentially these Spartans are here, but not, extruded into an alternate set of spatial coordinates and excluded from time." "They're right here," Linda said, and pointed at the pods. "No," Dr. Halsey said. "You are merely seeing their afterimage. It's like looking at a mass accelerated past the event horizon of a black hole. Its image may linger there forever, but it is gone."[/spoiler]

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