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Edited by RustyKoga: 7/19/2013 10:03:21 AM

FIGHT NIGHT: Hunter VS Titan





[b]FIGHT NIGHT: TITAN VS HUNTER 7/12[/b] [u]Called to a close[/u] at 7/19 with the winner the TITAN 181 votes(57%) and the Hunter only at 138 votes(43%) The Titan with the best overall strategy was... [b]Allos GranJul [/b] I believe The Titans will surely reign supreme in a 1 on 1 bout with a hunter. We aren't slow! ITUA Close Rangers will be a testament to that. I would overwelm the hunter with suppressive HMG fire. Destroying as much cover as possible leaving him stranded as I continue my march towards my prey. once I empty my clip ill ditch the gun. Destroy his focus and stillness with 3 strong RPG blast from my launcher, switch to trusty AR after throwing a grenades to draw him out and peg him swiftly and accurately. For some reason We are seen as bumbling idiots like the Cabal but assure you we are just as deadly if not more deadly than our fellow guardian brothers. Do you not think we've been targeted by Fallen Snipers while gaurdiing the wall. Titans for the win for being the overpowering force we are meant to be. 1 on 1 we ARE unstoppable. Don't think your "agility" will be of any use. We are stronger than the Cabal, Smarter than the Vex, Ravanous as the Hive and can more than Handle Fallen Captain elusiveness don't think you can surprise us with such feeble tactics as space parkour, You want to do flips and unnecessary movements, I will catch you, throw you down and create a new crater with my SPACE MAGIC!! Did you miss the match? Catch the next one: Titan VS Warlock [i]Want to know more about the THD(Tower Hangar Delta)? More threads and even more Destiny druggies like you. Park your ship and check it out.[/i]

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  • Hunter op we can wreck Titans but I respect them they use there bare fist to kill a fallen hive Vex or cabal

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  • There's been a lot of haters putting the Titan down recently, but... Hey. Haters gonna hate. And I'm a Warlock.

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  • You can never match a warlocks fabulousness!

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    • If its on the moon movement speed and agility will be limited. This makes it much easier to line up a target making sniper rifles more effective assuming 1 shot head shots work. However the low gravity also means weapon recoil will push the weirder around as well say causing anything that is hit to also be pushed. So if high powered weapons are used then the most accurate one will win. Thruster packs would help counter this but not completely. In close in combat you have the same problems with the low gravity. Having more mass a Titan would have more momentum but less ability to maneuver, defend, or strike repeatedly. Strikes would also be less powerful than in normal gravity. Hunters would have a similar problem but to a lesser extent because they have less mass. This gives the hunter a good speed and agility advantage to the titans minor strength advantage in low gravity. Assuming blades are used speed and agility would prove more useful since less strength is needed to allow a blade to cut or pierce. In this environment can't really see where the Titan would have an advantage. So I'd say the hunter would win. Unless he jumped and fired a high recoil weapon downward in which case he'll eventually make it back to earth the hard way.

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      • I agree with the strategy you have, that would be hard to beat... but in all truth the Hunter has a Golden Gun which from what we have seen kills in one shot and he has 3 bullets with it we have also seen he some sort of electric knife that also seems to do high damage... In my argument I believe the Hunter would win because he wouldn't be taking all of that fire without avoiding it, yes the Titan is strong, quite fast, and reliable but the Hunter is not just agile he is intelligent and he is very strategic he's 10 steps ahead of you even if you may be the speed of the Hunter you are not as Clever... And with his knife I'm sure he'd be just fine with getting up close and personal. I call a rematch.

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        • Thanks to the sniper moving to the special slot a titan can now have long range capabilities while also carrying their heavy of choice. Ill take a titan especially in a no-special-abilities fight

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          • The Titan would win in a straight up 1v1, but the hunter might pull it off if he/she gets the drop on the Titan.

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          • Whichever is me!

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          • That drawing is badass. I'm saving it.

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          • Nothing beats Buttcapes and space magic!

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            • Edited by RustyKoga: 7/19/2013 7:17:09 AM
              FIGHT NIGHT: TAITAN VS HUNTER Called to a close with the winner the TITAN 181 votes(57%) and the Hunter only at 138 votes(43%) The Titan with the best overall strategy was... [b]Allos GranJul [/b] I believe The Titans will surely reign supreme in a 1 on 1 bout with a hunter. We aren't slow! ITUA Close Rangers will be a testament to that. I would overwelm the hunter with suppressive HMG fire. Destroying as much cover as possible leaving him stranded as I continue my march towards my prey. once I empty my clip ill ditch the gun. Destroy his focus and stillness with 3 strong RPG blast from my launcher, switch to trusty AR after throwing a grenades to draw him out and peg him swiftly and accurately. For some reason We are seen as bumbling idiots like the Cabal but assure you we are just as deadly if not more deadly than our fellow guardian brothers. Do you not think we've been targeted by Fallen Snipers while gaurdiing the wall. Titans for the win for being the overpowering force we are meant to be. 1 on 1 we ARE unstoppable. Don't think your "agility" will be of any use. We are stronger than the Cabal, Smarter than the Vex, Ravanous as the Hive and can more than Handle Fallen Captain elusiveness don't think you can surprise us with such feeble tactics as space parkour, You want to do flips and unnecessary movements, I will catch you, throw you down and create a new crater with my SPACE MAGIC!!

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            • Warlock

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            • I think most people forget one important thing. They see the titan as some unstoppable tank (which they are to SOME degree) and the hunter as a coward who was born with a sniper rifle in their hands. Hunters are much more than that. The term "Hunter" is a powerful word sometimes being compared to "predator" or "killer". The hunter has many layers to what they do. They plan, they stalk, they trap, then they kill. They are the best at what they do and that is hunt. They are HUNTers. The hunt is what they live for, what gives them their strength is the hunt. The predator and the prey. That is the Hunter in detail :) I don't dislike the Titan at all. I think they're a really cool super-soldieresque class. I just feel all the titan fanboys out there don't give Hunters the props they deserve. This is my opinion and if you respect it Ill respect yours :)

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            • will a titan survive space magic?

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            • Obviously the hunter would win. Titans are built for close to mid range combat with weapons that are not known for their accuracy. The hunter would never even have to confront the Titan; just blow his head off.

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            • Hunter, power up your shots on the sniper (if possible). GG.

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            • I would be a Hunter. Stay about a mile from the Titan, then snipe him/her with the closing time in the face. Done.

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            • I'm a Hunter and the Titan will be my enemy in this example of what I'd do. I'd start by reaching a barrier on a elevated space that would provide cover for me and at the same time make the Titan vernerable. With an elevated position, I could sweep the plain with my scope and see him coming in from a distance. Before I enter every fight, I put on the mindset of winning and it certainly helps as I currently reach one of the top three positions in any Halo Reach MM match I play. With a long-range weapon and a great field of vision, I can now see exactly where he's coming from. If he's not in the area at all, then I just wait for the sound of the drives of his ship to draw near as I scan the surrounding area to make sure he can't surprise attack me. Let's say he's on my back now. I'd keep my sniper rifle in hand because way back in Battlefront 2 I did close range sniper rifle fights and those sniper rifles had no sights, so you had to be quite skilled to use them. I'd do what I've always done, roll around him back and forth, shooting my SR between rolls. (sniper on sniper fights were always the hardest, so this would be much easier except that the Titan has SPACE MAGIC) If he got in too close, I'd power up my pistol and blow him to kingdom come, but if he kept his distance (within a couple of meters), I'd use my SR every time. Here's the weapons I'd use against his: [b][u]TITAN ----------------------- HUNTER[/u][/b] Rocket Launcher -------- Sniper Rifle Space Magic --------------- Powered-up Pistol Thunder Lord ------------- Sniper Rifle The weapons I'd most likely employ against my antagonist: [b]Sniper Rifle[/b] (primary) [b]Battle Rifle[/b] (secondary; I call it that because they haven't revealed the name of the 3-shot weapon in the demo) [b]Pistol[/b] (third weapon; the power-up kind) As for a Fireteam; I'd always go with: Cuserk - Hunter Kirito930 - Titan TheSilverElite - Titan

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            • I think the matchup for titan x hunter would be a bit difficult unless the hunter has stealth skills. Hunters seem squishy but Titans have the armor to soak up their attacks. I think Hunter x Warlock -- Hunter would win. But Idk. In my experience tanks tend to dominate PVP settings simply because they can outlast the enemy. Not because they're stronger. But who knows!

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            • Edited by RustyKoga: 7/13/2013 7:28:53 PM
              [b]Just to update. I have been keeping track and the hunter has been slowly gaining. At first I was going for the Titan, but I love a good underdog. The winner will be declared by Friday, so who knows what could happen.[/b]

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            • Hunters are cowards and have to kill from a distance, and Titans are close ranged fighters with sick up close and personal space magic. So my vote goes to the Titan.

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              • As soon as the game begins the hunter creates as much space between him and his enemy. Because of the incredible speed of the hunter, especially compared to the Titan it doesn't take long to have a clear shot with his trusty sniper rifle. The Titan tries to find his enemy in his sights over the baron wasteland of the moon, but fails to spot the stealthy hunter atop a shard of broken rock sticking out of the surface of the moon. The Titan is punched to the ground with a silent sniper bullet positioned directly into his back. As he pulls himself to his feet, quickly realising the danger he is in, the Titan begins hip firing wildly in the rough direction of his enemy. The hunter ducks behind the grey rock to avoid the hail of bullets now spraying overhead. The Titan knows he couldn't survive another bullet from the jet-black weapon of his enemy. The Titan dives behind a metre-high boulder to replace the clip in his heavy machine gun, just as the hunter rises from his cover to once again claim victory. He scans the ground and notices the century-old dust on the surface of the moon has been disturbed. The hunter lines up the shot and pulls the trigger. The Titan secures the new clip into his weapon and prepares to exit his cover. Suddenly he feels pain as he witnesses a diamond-tipped sniper bullet, no doubt retrieved from an ancient kingdom on one of saturns moons, exit his chest cavity. The bullet had evaporated the boulder the Titan was using as cover and had penetrated his titanium-coated armour. The battle was over and the hunter victorious.

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                Titans ground smash wins it

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              • I believe The Titans will surely reign supreme in a 1 on 1 bout with a hunter. We aren't slow! ITUA Close Rangers will be a testament to that. I would overwelm the hunter with suppressive HMG fire. Destroying as much cover as possible leaving him stranded as I continue my march towards my prey. once I empty my clip ill ditch the gun. Destroy his focus and stillness with 3 strong RPG blast from my launcher, switch to trusty AR after throwing a grenades to draw him out and peg him swiftly and accurately. For some reason We are seen as bumbling idiots like the Cabal but assure you we are just as deadly if not more deadly than our fellow guardian brothers. Do you not think we've been targeted by Fallen Snipers while gaurdiing the wall. Titans for the win for being the overpowering force we are meant to be. 1 on 1 we ARE unstoppable. Don't think your "agility" will be of any use. We are stronger than the Cabal, Smarter than the Vex, Ravanous as the Hive and can more than Handle Fallen Captain elusiveness don't think you can surprise us with such feeble tactics as space parkour, You want to do flips and unnecessary movements, I will catch you, throw you down and create a new crater with my SPACE MAGIC!!

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                • Titan sprints across the surface of the moon hunter lays there about a klick away puts a bullet in the Titans temple. Snipers they tend to win.

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                • Hey and just because the Titan is huge and the hunter is small doesn't mean that they can't use the opposite weapons. I wouldn't be surprised to see a badass hunter running around with a shotgun and AR

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