Is it me or does the Hive look to be the "space zombiefied" or mutated vesion of existing races. Sort of like what the Flood were in Halo. From the few pics out the it looks as if they are mutated version of the Fallen, Humans, and even the Cabal. Similar to what the Reapers were in Mass Effect 3.
I immediately saw them as destiny's flood.
idk about zombified versions of existing races, but I also hope they are like the flood. Walking down creepy corridors and suddenly shit tons of hive pour from around the corner! Each shot you make takes out 1 hive instantly or even goes through to kill several but the numbers never seem to thin! =D
idk. I think they do use bodies of fallen victims, but only after modification, like the three green eyes and what not.
seem to look more like insects and the xenomorphs from aliens.
That's what they seem to be, yeah. Don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure they're going to play like the flood. But who knows? Bungie could do something totally different with The Hive...