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Edited by RustyKoga: 7/13/2013 12:38:12 PM

Facing the Cabal

Their armor and strength are as immense as they are. How would you take on a squad of Cabal? Will it be as a lone wolf or with your fire team? What weapons will you use? What will be your strategy? [i]Want to know more about the THD(Tower Hangar Delta)? More threads and even more Destiny druggies like you. Park your ship and check it out.[/i]

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  • Pack a crap ton of rocket launchers.

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  • Sneak to an advantage point on high ground and hulk smash with my Titan while my hunter friend snipes the weaker ones while I have a LMG shooting them down

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  • Me( the hunter) snipes the heavy guns from a distance then draws charged hand cannons (like in the law of the jungle) and five in. Meanwhile my Titan friend mows some down while the warlock in the group uses his [i]SPACEMAGIC!!!!!!!!![/i] to down the heavier ones.

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    • Have two from your fireteam attack the lower level cabal while the other faces the high ranking officers to decrease moral. When the grunts notice their leader(s) is/are down they will be more hesitant and some will run

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    • Have one group distract a the cabal while the other group flanks the cabal and mows them down

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    • if in range, sniper to the head(10 straight killing Hunters in Halo by headshots....) if it in close range, give me SMG with full ammo, I'll do like a pro, circle them and shooting at them, works every time...

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    • Edited by Coup de Grace: 7/12/2013 2:07:30 AM
      I pick up my phone. "Blake! Get online you spiteful sonuvabitch!"

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    • I'm a lone wolf. If they play anything like Hunters from Halo, I'm going to be having fun. Nothing better than doing the tango with a pissed off Hunter.

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      • As a Titan, it is hard to face a fellow lifter such as the Cabal. But when it comes down to it you gotta do what you gotta do. I would start off by stealing all of their food as to take away their gainz. Furthermore I would steal all the plates and leave them with nothing but 2.5's, ellipticals and treadmills. This would effectively turn them into cardio bunnies that we can befriend and use as pets.

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        • That gun from the Law of the Jungle trailer seemed to do the trick.

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        • Nova Bomb...then I will claim my loot.

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        • Ill be playing a Titan so apply firepower and if that fails add more firepower.

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        • Edited by Quelaag: 7/10/2013 8:11:31 PM
          I usually play with a fire team. Probably have our titan draw aggro and turn the cabal around (or strife him) so someone can hit him from behind~

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          • As a team, assuming that the cabal have shields I would shoot them from a distance and let my team just destroy them from behind.

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          • With large armor, large guns, and large shields come decreased accuracy. If I had to solo them it would be a lot of careful shots and space magic to conserve ammo while using cover and keeping my distance. With a group the best strategy would be to flank. One in the front and the others go around each side.

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            • Lone wolf up in the mountains snipping there weak spot there face. If its up close pistols if they have knifes I'm running up jumping the shield and stab them in there head

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            • lots of grenades

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              • They appear slow and use assault rifles (which aren't very long range weapons.) Definetly going with a sniper for these guys.

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              • I'm hoping unlike the Hunters from Halo we can get an assassination animation on them. Or it's going to be lots of sniper rounds to the face while lone wolfing.

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              • I would only do it with my fire team. and have the titan of the group distract the cabal whild the hunter goes on a cliff to snipe and the war lock get be hind him and uses his space magic.

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              • If you ever see a hunter alone run up to the Cabal and try to knife it then dies from being thrown a mile away, that's probably me. Thanks in advance for reviving me

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                • depends on size of the pack, but since this game seems to have created fireteams specifically to enjoy the open world with your friend, I think I'd try that. Guns would probably be anti-material rifle and some other heavy stuff, seeing as how gigantic these guys are. Be brave

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                • Assuming a fireteam of a Titan, Warlock, and Hunter vs a squad (6) of Cabal Legionnaires (shields and assault rifles): Titan finds good cover and executes suppressive fire to attract the attention of the Cabal squad and keep them from having good mobility. The Hunter is set up on their flank, preferably on high ground, supporting the Warlock who will be assaulting the Cabal squad flank. The Hunter takes out any Cabal trying to out maneuver the Warlock or Titan. The Titan kills any Cabal out of cover for too long. The Warlock takes out as many as they can from the side and back, where the Cabal are weaker.

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                • It would be kind of like killing a hunter from Halo. 1. One person distracts the Cabal, and another person shoots him in the back. 2.Jumping over or around the Cabal and keep meleeing or shooting in the back. Thats what I did with Hunters from Halo anyway..

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                  • Killing a herd of 3-4 meter tall Rhinos with heavy armor and thick stormshields sounds difficult. Rocket launcher? Railgun? Don't know...

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                  • As an EXO Warlock, I'd be the first in my fire team to strike with Nova Pulse to knock them back and fire a few rounds of my exotic revolver to get their attention as my team brings the pain from every angle.

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