Bungie has been pushing their relationship with Sony hardcore. At the PS4 announcement, there was a Destiny video and even at Sony's E3 there was more information and a full length gameplay reveal. They've even said that the PlayStation platforms are going to receive exclusive content.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that now more people will be able to enjoy Bungie's creations, but the Xbox fanbase are the people who have supported and loved Bungie's games for over a decade, the one that's bought all of their games and merchandise. I don't understand why they being so cold to Xbox and it's fanbase?
I hate topics like this solely because people are getting butthurt over stuff that's not going to matter. If Bungie was being "cold" to the Xbox's fanbase, they wouldn't be getting the game at all. Xbox certainly isn't just getting thrown away, but Bungie has to do business, and it spent a really long time with Microsoft. Bungie still obviously cares about the Xbros, but Playstation gamers could post the exact same argument about Halo. You have nothing to complain about yet: We don't even know what the -blam!- content is. It's nothing to get all feisty about, man. And, in the end, Bungie's a company, too: even if it cares about us, it has to care about itself too. We don't know why they're with Sony, but it's none of our business. So get over it. And this is coming from an Xbox gamer.