Did you even watch the videos? Just looking at Killzone 3 versus Halo 4, it's -blam!-ing obvious...
Man, and The Last of Us? You [b][i][u]Can't[/u][/i][/b] actually think that Xbox has better specs overall.
The only thing Xbox has over PS3 is RAM; PS3 has 256 MB if RAM. Xbox has 512 MB of RAM. That's [i]literally[/i] all the Xbox has over PS3.
You can't compare specs by watching videos you -blam!-ing idiot.
Fine, go look it up. But you know what? I've played all these games and PS3 does have better specs. It's just one of those things that, no matter what kind of fanboy you are, you can't deny. Like Xbox having the best controller out there, or PS3 having better specs.
Look the specs up dumb shit
I have, you're the dumb shit. Tell me, have you played on a PS3? No. So until you've played a PS3, just sit down and shut up about stuff you don't yet understand.
It doesn't matter wether I've played it I've looked at the specs and the 360 has better specs
Then you've looked at the wrong specs, anybody who knows [i]anything[/i] about consoles, [b][u]knows[/u][/b] that PS3 has better specs. I'm not a fanboy, [b][i][u]trust me! I've had my Xbox 360 for longer than a PS3! But it's a FACT.[/u][/i][/b]
No it's not I've seen the right specs