Seriously, not all of you are from Samoan tribes, I can already tell that much. Are you all trying to compensate for something? "Oh crap, I'm lacking, guess I better get tribal tattoos hurr durr, tribals r kewl."
What's the freakin' obsession?
Having lived in the UK all my life, I can confidently say that tribal tattoos are not that common.
What's your problem, if they want tribal then they can have tribal. P.s I've never seen anyone in Britain with a tribal sleeve
Cus working class.
I know a fat girl with a YOLO tattoo on her stomach, there are far worse than tribals going round the UK. I haven't really experienced many of these people you speak of though.
What? Where? Just because you saw one person at an airport with one doesn't mean all men in the UK have them.
I'm a white male with a tribal tattoo.
That sounds odd, what idiot outside the Samoan community would want a Tatau? Or are they just Samoan tattoos in general, because it seems odd that anyone outside the Samoan community would want a Tattoo over half their body...
I missed something?
How did you find this out? Been sleeping around recently, eh???
Holy pillows