If you could erase one religion from ever existing, which would it be? That means nobody will ever be that religion or know about that religion, and all religious actions in the past by members of that religion will go away (Example: If you vote Christianity, the Crusades never would have happened. If you vote Islam, 9/11 never would have happened).
ITT: people hating on islam for no reason whatsoever. Why do you care what someone believes! Let people be.
All of them.
Where's scientology ?
note: 911 still probably would've happened even if there wasn't an Islamic religion
None of them actually exist in the first place so how could we erase them. I am a strong atheist.
Judaism. Which would be a three for one.
All or bust.
They're all equally ridiculous. It's only fair that they all stay, or they all go.
All of them.
Islam, duhhhh. Nothing but fighting hate with hate. How lovely.
You forgot one religion: Sikhism. Or another option saying "other" I vote for Christianity, because, even though there are a lot of good people who support it, there are tonnes of others who are stupid.
None of them.
The Flood has been original with their topics lately.
God-tier thread, OP...