If you could erase one religion from ever existing, which would it be? That means nobody will ever be that religion or know about that religion, and all religious actions in the past by members of that religion will go away (Example: If you vote Christianity, the Crusades never would have happened. If you vote Islam, 9/11 never would have happened).
By getting rid of Judaism, which spawned Christianity and Islam, would I effectively get rid of all three? Because that would be my choice.
No point getting rid of just one. There can be as little as 2 for them to conflict with each other and cause arguments, or worse.
All of them simultaneously but at least Christianity.
All if them.
None let them be
Edited by MajorCrabs: 5/26/2014 4:02:30 AMPlease see comment up there ^^^
Technically if you erased one you could possibly make the world go crazy if you mean today and now but the history stays but if you mean completely then the whole world would be and look different
judaism. like someone else said islam and christianity would also vanish. i have no issues with buddhism or hinduism. i've also never heard of anyone killing others (on a massive or minor) scale over them.
Holy shit off topic is where the rejects gather I guess. If you erased any of these you'd most likely not exist lol
Technically, if you erase Judaism, you also knock off Christianity and Islam.
wow a lot of people really dont like Islam on here.
Personally, none.
None of them.
How bout all of them...
Judaism in a heart beat.
All of them.
Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 6/23/2013 5:39:54 PMActually, if you erased Judaism, you'd erase Christianity and Islam, too. This thread is shockingly retarded though.
lol nobody likes Islam
Judaism because, without it, Christianity and Islam would never exist.
Abrahamic religions as a whole.
[quote]Where's scientology?[/quote]
I wouldn't erase any religion.
ITT: people hating on islam for no reason whatsoever. Why do you care what someone believes! Let people be.