I'm not expecting to change any opinions, mostly because of how concrete so many people here are in their opinions. Considering that most of us are in high school or college, I can't say as if I expect much sympathy for fetuses, let alone an understanding of why life spans from conception to death. I'm simply stating the facts.
Before conception, there are, in the most basic forms, a sperm and an egg. Apart, they are worthless, but together they form life. The moment the sperm meets the egg, the embryo forms. This "mass of cells" cannot move forward without each previous step of development. The six-month fetus could not exist unless the five-month fetus existed, just as the baby could not exist unless conception occurred. That being said, there is only one conclusion that is not subjective: The embryo created immediately after conception IS programmed to become a baby.
Let's cut to the chase: There are nine months between conception and the birth of a baby. In that span of time, this baby develops at incredibly fast rate. Within a few short months, said "sac of cells" is now a viable life form. That "useless cluster" quickly becomes just as equal as you and me. What's the point of what I'm saying? You can't arbitrarily define a time when a baby can no longer be aborted. It's ridiculous, but it's (even more-so) absolutely -blam!-ing retarded. A baby's life begins when life beings: Conception.
As for myself, I'm pro-choice. Abortion is absolutely not a mother's choice, considering the decision affects both the baby and the father, as well. Abortion doesn't exist because mothers deserve the right to control their own body. The fact of the matter is that they're also controlling another body, and wrongly so. The reason why abortion exists is because people mess up. That reason is horseshit in justifying murder (i.e. abortion), but I get it. I get it because I know that people make mistakes, and a quick boning doesn't deserve a lifetime of consequences.
THAT is why abortion is legal. Not because the baby isn't alive. Not because the mother has the right to kill another person because she wants to. It's unconstitutional for the baby. Abortion, per se, is unconstitutional. But we allow it because we have to.
How the heck is it a lie to have an opinion on a subject matter where the line is as clear as mud? You lost all credibility in your title.