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Edited by A Painful Crap: 6/21/2013 6:26:55 PM

Halo is officially getting milked. More Halo games than just 4,5,6.

[url=]Link[/url] [quote]While Halo 4 was originally meant to kick off the "Reclaimer Trilogy" for the series, Microsoft's Phil Spencer says it won't be limited to a trilogy. "While we originally said trilogy, we've actually expanded this to more of a saga," Spencer told GameSpot, "so we don't want to limit the Reclaimer story within a trilogy." Spencer declined to specify whether the Xbox One Halo title was Halo 5 proper or a spinoff of sorts, opting instead to say that it's "a legitimate version of Halo" Microsoft will detail in the future.[/quote] So There was supposed to only be Halo 4,5, and 6, but now that trilogy is apparently going to be a saga, which is 6 games. Microsoft sure loves their milk.

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  • Edited by KingInTheNorth: 6/25/2013 4:39:13 AM
    The moment 343 killed Cortana I stopped caring about Halo.

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  • As long as they eventually release the Grunt Rebellion game to fill in that back story of Halo 2, I am happy.

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  • Edited by irishfreak: 6/24/2013 12:04:31 PM
    Do it 343!

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    • Where do you find the term "saga" to mean "6 games?" I would think they meant saga in then sense of a long, epic, involved story / journey

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    • Duh ... does the OP know how many Destiny releases (not to mentioned DLC packs) that bungie has signed on for? And compare Microsoft to Activision ... how many COD titles have there been? Guessing someone doesn't understand basic commercial reality :(

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    • Edited by H I S C H E R: 6/25/2013 3:15:18 AM
      I'm pretty sure assassins creed has more games then halo and its only been around since 2007.

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    • God dammit.

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    • Well, 343i was created by Microsoft explicitly to make Halo, so I guess I'm not too terribly surprised by this. 343i is probably just trying to justifying existing as long as they possibly can.

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    • The quality will only get worse. It took them 4 years to make Halo 4. Blah blah blah 343 fanboys, I don't wanna hear it "but that was their first game they will do better next time!" yeah no. More games means they will care less about each individual one. Even worse all previous Halo games will get even more of a boot and they won't care to go back and update playlists like they have so poorly neglected Halo 3 and Reach already. Halo is now a cash cow, not a quality game you'd wait every 3 years for and could play for 10 without being bored. I'm still playing Halo 3. That is a quality Halo game. Halo 4 doesn't even last a year for most people lol

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      12 Replies
      • I seriously hope it's not the Reclaimer Blows Saga

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      • The main thing I hated about Halo 4 is it's leveling system. The specilizations thing was cool but once you hit lvl 130(not that hard) there was not a point to play the game any more .

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      • Glad I jumped shipped already.

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        4 Replies
        • This is a tough one. I've always believed that the Halo universe is rich enough to withstand more games. Reach, ODST, Halo Wars, & now Spartan Assault. What they should not do is milk the Reclaimer story. Unless this is a direct response to how poorly the story in Halo 4 was explained & they feel they need more games to do it justice, it simply won't work. If it does become a "saga" then I expect the first cinematic of the main campaign to lead into the actual campaign, not to lead into Spartan Ops. (Halsey in that cinematic did basically zero to help the story of the main campaign)

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        • Nothing made by 343i can be considered a "legitimate" Halo game, that said, the OP is right. Looks like Microsoft is the new Old Disney, where they buy everything, and make endless sequels that aren't worth the disk they are printed on. ... But then that means that means they will eventually make a Halo equivalent of the Avengers, if my analogy holds up.

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          2 Replies
          • Halo died a while ago. 343 ruined everything and has no respect from me as a game developer. Junk, pure junk.

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          • I think I'm going to call Halo 4 my last and leave it at that. I want to end on a high note.

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            2 Replies
            • Is it even necessary to make that many Halo games? This is milking going to the next level.

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            • WTF WHY!. I love halo but -blam!- that they are going to ruin my favorite franchise!

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            • I don't even think a good story can last that long.

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              • They need more space to cover the stuff that was told in Silentium. Halo 4 was barely enough to fit in the Didact, the concept of Ancient Humanity and the Mantle, so I don't see it being feasible for them to tell their overarching story in just 2 FPS games. It may also allow them to flesh out the setting a bit better, like what Halo 2 did after Combat Evolved - Halo 4 really didn't hint towards much of anything in the contemporary fictional setting, like what the UNSC is like and how it is faring, who these new Covenant are and why they exist and are hostile, or where the Arbiter and the rest of the benign Elites and Covenant are (If they even still exist). These things not being explained all caused problems on their own.

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              • Edited by Vgnut: 6/21/2013 7:55:30 PM
                They'll kill the IP then. Halo 3 sold tons of 360's on its own. That game was an event. It was the sequel to Halo 2. It had been three years (can you imagine three year intervals between Halo games?) How many people are foaming at the mouth to play Halo 5? How many people will buy a $500 console just to play Halo 5 or whatever they're putting out next year? Microsoft has no other blockbuster IP (Gears of War is done) so Halo has to carry the Xbox brand. If they had just spent the money over the last decade they could have fostered a big new IP that takes some of the weight off Halo.

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                3 Replies
                • Read the update. They're talking about Spartan Assault.

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                  4 Replies
                  • makes sense, the halo universe is so big, and all we've really seen is Reach, the human-covenant war, and the Reclaimer saga, I would personally love to see more of halo... maybe the civil war, fighting the rebels, or maybe the human-forerunner war from before the forerunner saga, or just the fall of the forerunners. there is so much left to do in halo, and pejudiced idiots like you who just hate 343 and microsoft because it's a change from bungie are holding it back.

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                    1 Reply
                    • If they keep coming up with interesting stories, then I am all for it. I love the halo Universe and lore.

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                      5 Replies
                      • [quote][url=]Link[/url] [quote]While Halo 4 was originally meant to kick off the "Reclaimer Trilogy" for the series, Microsoft's Phil Spencer says it won't be limited to a trilogy. "While we originally said trilogy, we've actually expanded this to more of a saga," Spencer told GameSpot, "so we don't want to limit the Reclaimer story within a trilogy." Spencer declined to specify whether the Xbox One Halo title was Halo 5 proper or a spinoff of sorts, opting instead to say that it's "a legitimate version of Halo" Microsoft will detail in the future.[/quote] So There was supposed to only be Halo 4,5, and 6, but now that trilogy is apparently going to be a saga, which is 6 games. Microsoft sure loves their milk.[/quote]halo is amazing so -blam!- u look at Mario and sonic and Pokemon millions of those games all amazing same ashalo

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                        7 Replies
                        • I've been saying M$ is milking Halo for months now. I'm happy more people are catching on

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