Apparently someone decided it was a good idea to dump liquid nitrogen in a pool full of people. 7 people have fainted, 6 are OK but one 21 year old is in a coma.
Darwin needs to visit these people.
Wasn't that they dumped Liquid Nitrogen into the pool but the "Smoke" they used for effect contained Nitrogen which caused people in the pool to faint. How these people get away with organising this stuff is beyond me.
LOL This is hilarious!
I gotta admit though, looks cool
-blam!- yeah. Liveleak. A man's YouTube.
It was my idea.
What a bunch of -blam!-ing idiots.
There's easier ways to make fog.... morons.
I feel bad for laughing...
Just... [i]what?[/i]
I remember my science teacher brought in Liquid Nitrogen my freshman year and allowed us to bring items to freeze. It was so fun
I need to know who's bright idea that was and where they currently are. So that I can smack them on the back of the head.
Rich people.
How did these people even manage to get all that liquid nitrogen?
Wow, never go full retard.
At least no one died :)
How the hell did they get that much liquid nitrogen?
Freaking idiots.
It's usually not that easy to buy such large amounts of Liquid Nitrogen, i'm curious as to how they got a hold of it but really people does your stupidity know no limits?
Does anyone else remember that girl who either ruptured her stomach/or died after drinking a liquid nitrogen cocktail? Where do people get it from? -_-
Ban pools.
What is liquid nitrogen ? Does it just freeze things instantly?
So I guess they didn't realize Nitrogen isn't the same as Oxygen?
Ban Liquid Nitrogen!
How did they get so much of it?