Out of curiosity what does anybody know about competitive multiplayer?
Are we going to have one class with multiple loadouts? Or multiple classes with multiple loadouts? The choices and combinations are endless...what would you like to see?
I feel like Bungie said your PvP character is the same as your PvE character.
Wow that is just I can't even come up with a guess there is so much that could happen, they might just make it so you can't use your powers and throw you in one of many game mode possibilities
All I know is that Bungie stated your character is constant across singleplayer and multiplayer and there are three "hoppers" with which we can connect to multiplayer: Strike, Raid, and Faction Wars. Things may have changed since then but for now that's all I got. What I'd like to see is a different style of multiplayer than what Bungie has done in the past. I've never been one for separate singleplayer and multiplayer, I'd prefer they were integrated somehow. For sure with community events and such the cooperative multiplayer is integrated, but I'd like to see some kind of PVP element integrated as well. Not sure how though other than designated PVP zones, but then there's no risk involved because people would just avoid those zones.
They said the gear you gain in PvE can be used in PvP.
Well technically it's already confirmed that we use our characters for EVERYTHING in Destiny, so you'll be using the same character in multiplayer that you use in single player. With no main menus or hosting menus or anything.