PvP in destiny has had little light shed on it, all that we know it there is going to be some..
Which style would you prefer and why?
Territorial Conquest style. have player's clans be able for form player made factions (similar to EVE//DUST 514 alliances) and fight for control of territory on certain planet/s also have players in NPC factions to be able to fight on behalf of those factions on another set of planet/s more akin to Faction Warfare in EVE. DUST 514/WoT has a good idea of how to do territorial conquest already....this is the type of player driven content that would keep ppl loggin in and interested in the game especially if Bungie wants this to be a 10yr game like they are preaching
Make PvP one of the public events. [b]Fireteam v Fireteam v Fireteam[/b] Winners get loot. The losers just move on without losing anything or having to start the area over. And an arena in the last city for classic pvp experiences.
I would like to see them implement open world pvp
Where's free-for-all? That's the most basic PvP around. I prefer all forms of PvP except for Dark Souls multiplayer. I just consider that style "inhumane".
Anything from Dark Souls is a great addition in my heavily-biased opinion.
multiple fireteams would be great, when versing other guilds or clans!
PVP that is nothing more than team death match is extremely boring and should be a thing of the past. Sure include it as a side game but PVP needs to be much more engaging than that. What I want to see in Destiny is an open world objective based territory capture game which has an ultimate goal of capturing an enemy factions capital/mainbase/stronghold/etc. Once one side has captured the others capital everything resets and you do it over. To keep it fresh a campaign should last at LEAST a day and preferably longer to give it a sense of meaning. But I have a feeling Destiny will have some dismal little arena style TDM CoD crap because its easy and most people dont know any better.
Something like the 40v40 Battleground in WoW with airships, bases, vehicles, and catapults. Only not plagued by decade old technology.