Did anyone else feel awful for the dev playing the game up on stage? I knew something was going on when it first stuttered. I felt so bad for Ubisoft when the game crashed and died...
Still though, Assassin's Creed already earned its reputation. I have no doubt it'll be great. Just a bummer about the botched live game play.
Anyone else feel sorrow for Ubisoft?
Should have done an Xbox demo instead :/ poor guys. The game still looks amazing. I can't wait to get ut
It seems as if PS4...has no frames /memeattempt
Was it just Sony's streaming service (doesn't bode well for their cloud services for those out the US, oh - wait, it's not available anyways), or did several games stutter...?
i feel bad for em :c Bad luck, but from what we've seen it looks good
little sorrow in that it must have been embarrassing, but that's about it.
After ACIII I really have little sympathy for them. From what I saw of that demo, it's more of the same.