Seriously. Take some of the gameplay elements of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, like Wolverine regenerating his wounds in real time visibly, the claw dismemberment stuff, then improve the core combat mechanics, write a solid story line, create some kick ass boss battles, put some serious effort on interesting levels and mooks, and sell that.
I was playing X-Men Origins again and the Sentinel battle sequence was so epic man, that it is such a shame the game was held back by so many other lazy elements like repetitive as hell level design, fighting many of the same generic bosses several times, etc. Wolverine is such a bad ass character that he just NEEDS to have a worthy game.
Basically, I want to see like, X-Men Origins combined with Metal Gear Rising combined with some high quality level and enemy design.
Edit: Included a video of the Sentinel fight in the OP. Imagine a Wolverine game with that level of epicness throughout.
That and an awesome Iron Man game.