What you you prefer? [b](Reference pictures below)[/b]
[url=http://img9.joyreactor.com/pics/post/funny-pictures-auto-bird-tit-379339.jpeg]A good pair of tits.[/url]
[url=http://www.radcliffedonkeys.com/?q=system/files/imagecache/Lightbox/donkeys/Blossom.jpg]A big ass [/url]
No matter how much you love a big butt every man loves boobs to
I personally don't look for these in a women so I don't really care. They have no affect on me. I'm not attracted to a girl simply because she has big boobs or a big ass.
I prefer pussy.
Again? My answer hasn't changed. [i]Justice.[/i]
Edited by iGraviton: 6/14/2013 1:03:08 AMI don't care, as long as everything's proportional. I don't a girl who looks like a freaking bowling pin.
soon as i saw you included pictures it became clear what you did there, did not even need to click to verify
As a serious answer, it doesn't matter to me. As long as she's the same general body type as me (tall, skinny,) I don't usually complain.
tits, ass is irrelevant (seeing a specimen which is flat at the top but big at the bottom is the biggest turn off, looks like a FKN T-Rex)
That's a cute ass
Real ass you fags.
Tits > Ass
[i]This joke...is so overdone...[/i]
How fast can an unfunny joke become "I want to kill myself because you said that and still think it's funny" material?
Both damn it!
asses are better for riding. [i]if you know what I mean[/i]
mmmm, that is a beautiful pair of tits
Here I was thinking this thread was SUPER perverted. LOL you got me!
Boobies are full of precious life preserving milk. Asses are full of stinky poo.
I love them both, but I slightly tip in favor of asses. I'd say 54% ass.
I actually new what you were talking about when I voted and I didn't even have to look that the pictures. You are a few weeks too late Bobby.
This joke is way overused.
That's like asking if you prefer oxygen or water.
Ass. It's way more useful.