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6/1/2013 2:58:25 PM

BattleBlock Theater

I saw RoosterTeeth's "This Is" for the game and was extremely impressed by the graphics(or artstyle, whatever you wish to call it). Initially, I was not impressed with the demo at all - probably because I was playing it alone. But later, when I purchased it to play with my friend, it was a totally new experience. The co-op gameplay is challenging at times but not too hard that you will be stuck at a point for more than 5 minutes. Like many other platformers, you have to collect 3 items to complete the level, but you have the option to collect more to get a higher grade and/or purchase new weapons. The controls and movement are smooth, responsive and fluid. I would say that the co-op aspect of the game is what makes it shine the most. It is great fun to play with a friend, whether you aim to collect all the gems in each level or to simply finish the game casually. The core gameplay is quite solid, basically a platformer with certain elements thrown in to freshen things up. For example, you get a weapon(which you can change any time) which can aid you in jumping over obstacles or killing enemies(they aren't too hard to kill). There are puzzles throughout the game but they are just hard enough for you to have to think twice on how to kill them but not too easy. Only on the Chapter 7 or 6(can't remember, I just reached there with my friend) that the levels get really hard for you to get all the gems. Otherwise it's pretty clear cut or you might have to restart the level once to get the gems. As for the graphics of the game, they are quite fantastic in my opinion. After years of 8-bit indie platformers, the graphics which the devs actually put effort into making were a breath of fresh air. When I say graphics I mean artstyle by the way. The cartoony and cute artstyle fits the theme of the game perfectly. There aren't any graphical glitches in the game, and it runs smoothly without any drops in frame rate at any part of the game. The sound/music aspect is top-notch as well. The sound effects all fit in nicely with the "cute, quirky and humourous" theme of the game, and the music is quite varied. The narrator also makes quips during your gameplay, usually when you die - "Oh my God!" As for story, it doesn't affect the gameplay at all but simply reinforces the humour/quirky theme of the game through the cutscenes in between the chapters. They evoked many a laugh from me. There are only a few minor aspects to this game that I do not like. Firstly, the quips by the narrator start to get repetitive about two hours in - they are repeated a lot especially if you die many times. The music also repeats. Secondly, I personally found playing the game alone extremely boring. Note that this is purely subjective as someone else might prefer playing the game solo. I only found the game fun when playing with a friend. Thirdly, the weapons are not balanced properly. There are 13 weapons in the game, and some of them are clearly more powerful or useful than others. A fair number of them, such as the [spoiler]fan[/spoiler] have only uses for specific areas. Certain ones can one-shot enemies too, whereas some of them merely knock them back. Should the player get a more powerful or useful weapon on first purchase, he might stick with it the entire playthrough ignoring the other weapons, leading to a lack of weapon variety. [b]Verdict[/b] If you have a friend, whether casual or hardcore, get this game for great co-op fun. You will have a blast together. If you are into platformers, this game will be good for you too. The issues are very minor.

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