Title is somewhat straightforward, I think. A few weeks/months/years after we follow or mute someone, there's a good chance we'll forget the exact reason why we decided to do so. It might be beneficial to be able to write and look up the reasons why we muted or followed these people. Through the years I certainly forgot the reasons why I blocked certain people on this site; keeping track of why might help determine if I want to continue hearing from them or if I want to give them a chance to hear them again.
There is a field in the mute/hide/report dialog (except the hide function underneath a post, which is defaulting to a "meh, no reason"). I would imagine that free-text field is ending up in a table somewhere. The team put it there, I suspect that it will eventually have a use and be an "additional information" display in one form or another. Whether or not it shows as a "hover over" info box when someone is reviewing their mute list? It sounds like a good idea and helpful function to me.