Do you find yourself frequently disagreeing with your parents' stances/opinions on social issues; maybe even a completely different political ideology? How about tolerance toward others? Do you think you and your peers are more accepting than your parents and your friends'? Can't find a politician you agree with?
I do, and given charge against some current issues and problems (gay marriage, for instance) is arguably mostly led by the baby boomer's children, Gen Y, I eagerly await the time when our generation has power so we can quickly put the issues of today behind us (and yes, I realise they probably said the same thing).
Gen Y isn't going to inherit much. On top of that, the people in power will be the children of the people in power now, will go to the same four schools, and will implement identical policy because it's what they're taught to do. In addition, the "tolerance" of this generation is pretty much the only it has going for it. Otherwise, it's undereducated, under-skilled, and completely unprepared for the world with respect to the way things have changed in the last decade. The fact that that's largely their parent's fault doesn't change how screwed they are. I foresee many "revolutions" against people that are already dead, for deeds that can't be undone.