So in the Xbox One reveal we found out that the One will have a built in capture card and storage. Does this mean that Destiny won't have a theater setting? Or will theater still exist so we can capture more than just gameplay?
Personally I'd like both, and I can see the theater being a part of the new Bungie Pro that was hinted at in days of old.
(I don't know anything about PS4 having such a DVR function, but I don't think Bungie would stiff them)
There's a built in capture card?!
I love this new Xbox One addition. In regards to your question: who knows? :-)
Ya bungie's theater mode never disappoints.
I saw that feature too. It looks cool. I hope Bungie still has or includes Theatre on Destiny though
I believe that the PS4 has a "share" function, which does the same. This is quite annoying as i know that most videos on YT are not going to get any views when everyone has a DVR. So far, its still relatively exclusive for full HD footage