judge dredd was a 90s movie based on the comic series, widely panned by critics and fans of the comic books. it starred Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider.
but it's actually a decent action-sci-fi film for it's time. sure Dredd 3D was a more gritty version, and does better to show the Expanse of a Megacity due to better budget and better graphics, but i'd actually put the films about equal.
why was the movie so underrated/hated?
Why was the original Judge Dredd film so hated? It made Dredd, a probably psychopathic anti-hero into a typical action hero played by Sylvester Stallone. A big thing about Dredd is much like Master Chief's - you were never meant to see beneath the mask - imagine seeing the Halo TV show and seeing Sylvester Stallone saying 'Wake me when you need me.'