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Edited by Recon Number 54: 5/24/2013 3:16:17 AM

4 Reasons not to get the Xbox 1

Give me them. 4 Legitimate, quality reasons. I bet you can't.

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  • I'm keeping my Xbox 360 and wait for all this next gen stuff get settled.

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    • Started a new topic: 4 Reasons to get the XBOX ONE(14 Replies))

    • Four reasons why the Xbox One is bad? 1. Current Third Party Microphones won't work on it. 2. Zero backwards compatibility. 3. Xbox Live Subscription remains. 4. Requires once a day connection to the internet to function at ALL. More? OK! 5. Focus on non-gaming media, most of which will probably cost additional subscriptions/ payments. 6. No renting/ borrowing/ using games- you have to pay full price. 7. Microsoft refuses to clarify on important issues regarding the console. I mean hell, need I go on?

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      54 Replies
      • Actually, I happen to have exactly 4 reasons. 1. [u]Kinect Mandatory to operate console.[/u] Many people, such as myself are using desks or smaller living spaces and can't place the Kinect anywhere. Or just don't want to use it. 2. [u]Always Online.[/u] You have to be online every 24 hours or less. The number of people that bought the consoles is a lot larger than the number of people on Xbox LIVE. Many people can't afford internet, or have bad connections. 3. [u]No Used Games.[/u] Speaks for itself, many people play games at a friend's house, or let friend's borrow games. Gamefly services. All that, rendered useless. 4. [u]Kinect Watches You. [/u] Many people don't like being watched, what if I'm watching porn. They patented the technology to disallow multiple people from watching rentals. Which means they can be watching you.

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        13 Replies
        • Edited by Arbiter 739: 5/24/2013 3:18:10 PM
          Ok. Also, why did Recon Number 54 edit his post? [b]1.[/b] You have to connect to the internet within 24 hours or you can't use your Xbox One. Accidents happen and internet providers sometimes go down for a while, regardless of your current standing. You also have to activate every game with Microsoft before you play it. [b]2.[/b] You have to download every game to your Xbox One or you can't play the game. Sure, your Xbox has 500gigabytes of memory but I've got a terabyte (1,000 GB) and it could still fill up. Because you are downloading the entire game you will be forced to delete past games if you play to many. [b]3.[/b] The used game fee prevents you from sharing any games between your friends or other consoles. Ever. Plus, a simple way for pirates to pirate Xbox One games is just emulating an original code in the disk which will make someone else's disk not work for them. [b]4.[/b] You have to have the Kinect plugged in all the time always or you can't play the Xbox. Sure it comes with the Xbox One, but if it ever breaks you will have to go out and buy a new one just to use your Xbox One. That will be expensive because it is a 1080p-recording, motion sensing, sound detecting, device. [b]5.[/b] It is not backwards compatible, so you will be forced to start your entire game collection over again or keep your Xbox 360 around. [b]6.[/b] It does not offer any output compatible with standard definition TVs. If you don't own a high definition Television you can't even play the Xbox One. [b]7.[/b] Microsoft has been focusing less and less on their games but more and more on other unrelated products. Remember how the Xbox 360's layout got worse and worse with advertizements everywhere? The Xbox One's operating software reserves 3 gigabytes all for itself, meaning tons of stuff is going to be going on behind the scenes regardless if you are playing a game or not.

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          5 Replies
          • I'm on goodnews side. 1. No used games 2. Not bringing some 360 games into one. 3. You NEED kinnect. 4. Costs a boatload.

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          • Here are all the reasons you will ever need.

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          • 1,2,3,4,5. Because it's a telescreen.

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          • there arnt any, all the reasons they give are speculation, or they have twisted what MS has said turning it into a bad thing

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          • 1. You'll be a filthy console pleb. 2. Nogames. 3. Stupid name. 4. It's for casuals.

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            • Friends on PSN Exclusive PS games Slightly better tech specs Plus provides more free content than Live (I've heard)

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            • Not backwards compatible. No used games. Required internet connection. Requires games to install to hard drive. I see the majority of people who posted have legitimate reasons to hate it as well. OP and Xbots:0 Logic:1.

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              2 Replies
              • I'm going to be getting the Xbox One when it released, but I will admit it's a far from perfect system. Here are the concerns that I have with it: 1. If you're paranoid, the Kinect has to be active in order to use the Xbox One, meaning the camera and microphone will always be watching and listening, even when the system is off (which is why you can turn the system on with voice commands). I don't personally have a problem with this, because I feel I have nothing to hide, but it's still a bit... disconcerting. I see why Microsoft is doing it, but I feel it is a mistake on their part to require it. 2. It looks like it lacks support for older TV's. There are no old-fashioned audio/video ports, meaning HMDI video is the only way to go. My TV is a cheap store brand model. While it's been good, I don't trust it to last forever. If something happens to it, I'd like to be able to use an older TV I have in my garage until I get a new TV, but I won't be able to do that. 3. Xbox LIVE is still a paid service. I don't really have a problem paying $60 a year for LIVE, especially given how stable it is. However, having ads appear on the dashboard, and not having access to Netflix, Hulu, or HBO GO without a gold subscription sucks (having to have a paid service to access my other paid services). LIVE [i]has[/i] proven it's stability and security, boasting what is probably one of the best service records for uptime and security breaches ever, but even still, the free PSN service looks a bit tempting. But given what I suspect will be a heavy shift towards PS+ by Sony, as well as a continual expansion of what LIVE offers for it's paid members, I'm more than willing to foot the bill. 4. The more versatile, yet more limiting operating system. With rumors that 3 gigabytes of ram (out of 8) will be dedicated completely to running the modified version of Windows 8, I see a lot of power that is still accesible in the rival PS4 system being consumed by the opportunity for more features. While it's nice to have the opportunity to multitask with snap, or to switch quickly between different sources of entertainment, what I really want when I sit down to play a game is power. I don't see a really practical way to make those features optional, since the game will still have to run for those that do enable them, outside of PC-style graphics settings, which many console-focused developers are completely unfamiliar with. Having something like that would simply provide just that extra bit of required effort that may make a game into a PS4 exclusive. More power could have also been put into the system to handle the OS, specifically, leaving the current specs to handle nothing but games, but that would have increased the price point of the console. Really, the situation leaves a lot to be desired, but no good solution seems to exist. Of course, there's always the name. While I think it's at least better than WiiU (which too many people just think is an expansion to the Wii), Xbox One is not a very good name choice for the system, and will confuse some people. Xbox Infinity was the rumored name for a bit, and that sounds much better than what they went with. Even the rumored names of just Xbox or The Xbox are better. Really, I think most people are getting up in arms about things that aren't that much of an issue. Does the system lack backwards compatibility? Yes, but it really would have been worse to include it due to a number of reasons. Are there a lot of nasty rumors floating around about the system? Yes, but Microsoft has been quick to deny that they are true, even though they have admitted that some are possibilities. Is the Xbox One very US-centric? Yes, and that is a fault of the system, albeit one that doesn't affect me. Microsoft is simply responding to the market, and the Xbox consoles have always sold best in the US, while Nintendo dominates Japan and Sony holds the market in Europe. Microsoft did a horrible job of managing the release of information surrounding the reveal, but the confirmed things seem to be positive. A lot of people don't like the current Kinect, mostly due to a combination of it's inaccuracy, the space needed to use it, and the gimmicky use of it in the Kinect titles. The Kinect 2.0 is much more accurate, can be used in a much smaller space (from 3-5 feet away, it can still see and sense your entire body), and it comes with every system. That last point is probably the best, because now the big developers have more of a reason to use the Kinect and use it well. The tech has a lot of possible uses aside from crazy arm flailing and jumping around. Some games have already done well with voice integration, and simple little things like having the view on screen change slightly based on the position of the players head would make the game more immersive. When I first saw the Kinect, I thought it was a horrible, stupid idea, and I thought that for a long time. But the more I saw of it, and the more I saw of the possibilities of the technology, rather than how it was currently used, I liked the Kinect more and more as an idea. Having every Xbox One come with a Kinect gives developers a reason to use it in new ways, and will help to improve the immersion of games going forward. I'll be getting the Xbox One because I like some of the features that they showcased at the reveal, because I like the Xbox exclusives (although I'd love to have a PS4 for some of those exclusives as well), and because I have a very cluttered entertainment center that may be greatly helped by a multifunction game console. I also have more time invested into LIVE, with my gamertag being the beginning of my internet identity. The Xbox brand is with me as the brand that brought me into active gaming, as well as active participation in internet communities. The 360 was the source of gaming nights that introduced me to some of my best friends, as well as the platform that introduced me to Halo, which is still my favorite fictional universe. My decision was obviously a very personal one, and if those factors went away, the choice of PS4 or Xbox One would be much more difficult. Both consoles have their advantages and drawbacks, but as far as information surrounding the Xbox One, I think it would be wise for everyone to wait for E3 and more information before jumping to conclusions about every rumor floating around.

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                4 Replies
                • Edited by Destiny Guardian: 6/9/2013 5:51:21 AM
                  Microsoft kills game ownership and expects us to smile 1.You do not own the games you buy. You license them. 2.Discs are only used to install and then license games and do not imply ownership. 3.People can play games installed on your console whether you're logged in or not. 4.10 people can be authorised to play these games on a different Xbox One via the cloud, but not at the same time, similar to iTunes authorised devices. 5.Publishers decide whether you can trade in your games and may charge for this. 6.Publishers decide whether you can give a game you own to someone for free, and this only works if they have been on your friends list for 30 days. 7.Your account allows you to play the games you license on any console. 8.Your Xbox One must connect to the internet every 24 hours to keep playing games. 9.When playing on another Xbox One with your account, this is reduced to one hour. 10.Live TV, Blu-ray and DVD movies are exempt from these internet requirements. 11.Loaning and renting games will not be possible at launch, but Microsoft is "exploring the possibilities". 12. Kinect Mandatory to operate console.

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                  • 1. because you couldn't afford it 2. because you no longer have internet 3. You get your hands cut off in a freak accident gasoline fight 4. Dingo ate your baby

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                  • @OP read this:

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                  • 1. You take one look at it and walk away. 2. It's one reason to get a PS4 3. Only one person can play a game per account. 4. I can't come up with one more reason.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by Noshotskill: 5/26/2013 6:47:17 PM
                      Like the PS4 and Wii U, there will be a major lack of games the first year of release. It happens to every console and the X-One will be no different. Unless you have a large disposable income or are a huge Microsoft fan boy there is no point in buying the console at launch. Most gamers will wait for a library of games or a price cut. I actually like the idea of the Xbox One, but I know its going to cost around $500 and I don't see the point in paying for it when there isn't anything announced for it worth picking up. All the good titles confirmed for Xbox One will also come out on current gen consoles.

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                    • Lol kind of opened yourself up for a bit of ridicule here... Just because I have no money doesn't mean I am poor. I work on a PC daily. I am a Mac guy!! I own a PS3. Owned 3 xbox systems, they all red ringed. So is it because I can't afford? NO they R trash!

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                      3 Replies
                      • 1. DRM 2. No games 3. 1984 Kinect 4. Paid Online

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                      • Okay can't we do anything like start a web site like mass effect fans did with the ending why don't we do that with Xbox one? We could save it and still have a great system

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                      • No time No money 6 month old baby Hate Microsoft :-)

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                        3 Replies
                        • I only need one reason: Daily DRM checking. I won't buy a console that doesn't allow me to play my games offline forever. I will never support a console that does such a stupid thing. I shouldn't have to have internet connected to the console once per day every 24 hours to check if my single player games are legit. Period. Huge deal-breaker for me. Also the Kinect being required especially if the console won't work unless you have the kinect camera facing you.

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                        • 1) this should be in the gaming thread 2) hhhhhuuuuuurrr ddddddduuuuuuurrrrrr ddddddeeeeeeerrrrr xbox 3) ps4 4) PC all the way

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                          • Edited by DELIVER ME MEMES: 5/24/2013 1:50:34 AM
                            internet connection required constantly kinectishit 1st party/3rd party shovelware oriented console like the Wii was. kinect not built in. no backwards compatibility... which wouldn't be hard. just make it able to stream from a disc, and use 12x speed Blu-ray combo drives instead of sh*tty burner only builds. overall microsoft is going to sh*t like the Wii did.

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                            • Because PC is better That equals a million reasons

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