I can get you video when the reveal goes to watch on demand. They said a new premium tv series. Like those on HBO and Starz
I could be completely wrong and I hope I am.
Ahhh.... I watched the reveal. I recall that part. I bet they mean premium, like only watchable with XBL or something like that.
I sure hope so. Though if M$ doesn't clean house at E3 I will be getting a Playstation 4 anyway. Maybe I can get the entire season on DVD after it comes out.
Why not get both?
Welp, start workin overtime.
There is this thing called college. Paying it off is a pain even when you work overtime.
Student loans, eh? At least you're fortunate enough to afford attending a university
I agree, I am thankful that I did/am
I'm sure they'll do that. They did that with FUD.