So we get an ugly console, a Kinect, 500 GB of storage on which games HAVE to be installed, games that are useless once you install them, Halo the PREMIUM tv series which to me says pay for it, and most likely still have to pay for online gameplay.
I have been an Xbox fanboy since I joined this forum in 2006. No more. If Microsoft does not clean house at E3 this next generation will send me back to Playstation.
When'd they say premium?
- I can get you video when the reveal goes to watch on demand. They said a new premium tv series. Like those on HBO and Starz I could be completely wrong and I hope I am.
Ahhh.... I watched the reveal. I recall that part. I bet they mean premium, like only watchable with XBL or something like that.
I sure hope so. Though if M$ doesn't clean house at E3 I will be getting a Playstation 4 anyway. Maybe I can get the entire season on DVD after it comes out.
Why not get both?
Welp, start workin overtime.
There is this thing called college. Paying it off is a pain even when you work overtime.
Student loans, eh? At least you're fortunate enough to afford attending a university
I agree, I am thankful that I did/am
I'm sure they'll do that. They did that with FUD.