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I just want to know your favorite halo memories. If it's a cool memory, I will give you a big hug and kiss. (not really)
My first experience with Halo CE multiplayer, obviously. I'll always have a soft spot for Rat Race b/c it's the first map I ever played. Then I found Dammy and the rest was history. Somewhat related, getting onto Halo PC for the first time and getting to play proper big team battle (something I never did on the xbox version), on NEW MAPS, was insane. I don't know how many days in a row I spent glued to that shit, I was at a young enough age still to where I didn't really care about the lag or my skill level, all I knew was that I was flying a banshee around the cartographer island and killing characters controlled by real people god knows where in the world, and it was badass.